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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I prefer the idea of castration and lobotomies for them. They can't become mass shooters if they're vegetables.
  2. Back in my day, when I was a youth and didn't have internet access, I used my imagination for fap times.
  3. I've never been a big fan of country/bluegrass, but I heard this song on a one of those new jukeboxes in a bar and I fell in love with it immediately.
  4. It all started with the Tower of Pisa. It used to stand straight up but the people of the city agreed it should be italicized to better represent the nation.
  5. So long as each character takes a turn in battle, even if it's just blocking, they get AP. Combine that with some ultimate weapons or any weapon with Double AP and they'll get hella leveled. I don't think the AP they get is actually divided past the initial group. Like each person in a party of three gets the same amount of AP as all seven do if they each take a turn. I could be wrong, though.
  6. Zanarkand Ruins and Omega Ruins are the best places to grind levels, especially if you switch out your party members so everyone gets levels. Make sure Tidus unlocks a few sphere locks to get Zombie Attack. Braska's Final Aeon is just a straight battle of strength and if your team is over-leveled you'll destroy him. Use Zombie Attack on Yu Yevon for the cheap win.
  7. I have been summoned. The pull of Arm Meat is too strong to resist.
  8. The puppets were creepy, if we're being honest. But Mr. Rogers was the best.
  9. https://boingboing.net/2017/09/13/the-story-behind-mr-rogers-jo.html Oh man the way that link cuts off makes it seem even worse. But yeah, that's the story of why Mr. Rogers is flipping off the camera.
  10. I don't think so. I mean the fetish thing, possibly? But kept behind closed doors because no one ever came out with stories. Dark side, completely off the table. Every single story that every single person who interacted with Mr. Rogers has shared is just about how kind and compassionate and caring and amazing he was.
  11. I mean probably. Residual magic of that man exists in that station.
  12. Don't worry, you didn't miss much. The topic just summarizes me coming to the conclusion posted in the header line.
  13. Had a conversation with a friend earlier about Won't You Be My Neighbor (coming to select theaters near you starting June 8th), and we were talking about how wholesome and good Mr. Rogers was as a person, and how he just always seemed to be a shining example of what people could be when they legitimately cared about each other, and I came to the conclusion that if Christianity isn't just worship of old myths, and if god was real, then Mr. Rogers would have been Jesus reborn since he was full of endless love and compassion. Discuss. Or don't. No skin off my nose.
  14. Look man, you've seen pictures of me. Can you honestly sat that you don't get why I'd be skeptical?
  15. I'd wanna know who put 'em up to prank me or what they wanted from me.
  16. The one with the biggest boobs.
  17. Going to a Mexican restaurant for margaritas with the girls from the salon, because I am the most basic of white bitches.
  18. Oh good, I didn't get banned from it from being too sexy. I was concerned about that. Looks like EVERYONE is banned from it because I'm too sexy.
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