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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Sounds like the sore winner syndrome that's been going on since November because 2/3rds of America think he's illegitimate. "Why aren't you sucking Trump's dick!? Just suck it up, buttercup, America's great again, he won, he said it would be great again so it must be true! Why don't you believe in me? Why don't you just give him a chance!? Why are you walking away from me!? So much for the tolerant left! This is why Trump won!"
  2. "Look what you did! You tripped over your cowboy boots and you bumped into the shiny red button! Now nukes are being deployed to hit Beijing in minutes!"
  3. Bill better watch out, Donald had dibs on her first.
  4. We're only a few decades away from a generation where theres old people who grew up on both the internet and memes, and our discourse will eventually be shaped by this influence. We're already seeing it in shades with the "meme magic" stuff, but then there's the possibility of elections where people dig up Internet photos of candidates' racy instagram posts or dick sucking pics they threw on the Internet at some point. "Senator Bo Stevens was pictured here in a 2016 photo wearing blackface and making the Hitler salute to the late gorilla Harambe. Senator Stevens declined to comment, but his running mate Baron Trump Jr. had claimed that these accusations are 'normie shit'". This will be on the news at some point I'd imagine.
  5. Chapinator_X


    Someone deleted my Inauguration thread here!? Where else would I discuss it, the containment cell? No sense of humor at all. Hell, it's not like this folder will have any higher traffic until October. Sad.
  6. When you're a celebrity, they let you do anything
  7. I could never be particularly choosy about a taco. I usually gravitate towards soft corn or flour tortilla, but I get cravings for crunchy. If it involves either jalapeno, hot sauce, lime, or guacamole, I'm set. The only thing I'd turn down is sour cream or plain onion.
  8. Good to see Ryan Murphy coming back for an impromptu TV special for American Horror Story before he moves onto his new projects this year. My only complaints are that they miscast the lead and the soundtrack sucks this time around.
  9. Rants and Editorials merge into Free-For-All
  10. I don't usually seek it out, it just ends up finding me instead while I look for other things. The only ones I can think of at the moment are Fuka to Issho by Miharu, an Attack on Titan yuri doujin made by Amaro Tamaro, a Prison School doujin made by Fei, the most recent FFVII Yuffie doujin made by SGK, and some of the art that Rokuku has made. Alot of them have other things about them though so you'd be disappointed if you were looking for just the showers. I think only the Miharu one and the Titan one have a good amount of panels dedicated to it, so that's what I mean when its stuff that kinda gets clumped in with other kinks because they don't want to leave anybody out. Maybe I should just finish up Prison School instead, or catch up to the manga.
  11. Too much coke
  12. Yeah Whiskey!!!! :beer: pretend that's the Jamesons bottle
  13. Pizza and Chinese food that isn't fried in the sweet & sour batter can last through the week. I remember fried chicken and chicken wings holding up well if you put them in the oven or eat them cold.
  14. Nah, I'd rather pay tribute by reading golden shower doujins
  15. From my experience, the only term specific to the fetish is just "remote vibrator in public". Sometimes they place it under the umbrella of "humiliation", "public humiliation", "public orgasm", or "public sex", but I feel like "remote vibrator in public" varies too much from those categories to be able to lump in with something like "walking around in public after a facial"
  16. More Jennifer Lawrence nudes?
  17. I guess it's banging the concept of a little sister. That's something I've had mixed feelings about because I don't have a little sister and I'm good with anime/games with little sister lust or those fake porn images with little sister captions, but having a big sister makes me completely uninterested about focusing too much on sister fantasy stuff without grossing myself out.
  18. You sure did, and now I have to contend with this small ass box instead. Fucker
  19. I thought his voice was too deep and older sounding. Miyano got the cocky young jackassness out of Okabe that seemed the most in-character for him. The English script definitely has its issues, but Tatum's deeper voice didn't fit a scrawny 18 year old scientist pretending to be the hot shit about his inventions. He'd probably fit Okabe more if he was a much older character, but his interpretation feels out of place. Like when he played Isaac in Baccano, the Japanese voice was much less deep, but Tatum's voice worked even better with it because you could imagine an older goofball in cowboy gear sounding like that. The same couldn't be said for Okabe from my perspective.
  20. That sucks, they've been doing really good with acquisitions and their business model is way better the DVD companies who want their hand in streaming. The only thing is their PS3 app is glitchy, but that's something fixable, possibly by the engineers they laid off.
  21. It was a good show that season. It does have a messy 2nd half, but it was pretty solid, the characters have a little more depth to them, and if you're in the need for something to tide you over before AoT Season 2, this is the show for you.
  22. He torpedoed his thread to go on a rant on Islam, the religion of Kubo. It had nothing to do with the topic, but neither did throwing accusations of everyone being a pedophile over enjoying idol shows or projecting gay thoughts on anyone that posted in his thread.
  23. They cut the budget after getting rid of all the fire bitches
  24. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1-5
  25. How does the last step not involve ejaculating all over the drawing?
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