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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. Wage slave checking in inventory at a pet store. Why, who wants to know?
  2. I have 2 bows and a pellet gun. And a shitty CO2 pistol that doesn't shoot half the time. As far as real guns go, no I don't own one yet, nor do I know if I will get one, unless shit really hits the fan. I have a slight risk of putting the gun to my own head, so it's better to avoid having one, although I'm in a much better place mentally now than I was a few years ago.
  3. He's hit multiple women, though. So he's not exactly learned from his mistakes. Rihanna was the famous one. Plus the actual police standoff where literally the only thing keeping him from being shot by the cops was his fame, lets be real, because his priors aren't helping his case. Unarmed and decent guys have been shot by the cops for less, but Chris Brown can lock women in his bathroom and throw bags of guns out the window...
  4. They killed off and wrote off most of the best characters, whos even left at this point?
  5. that alone will save you so much money it's insane. Sticking to it is the hard part.
  6. he also held a couple women hostage in his house while drunk and crazed. The dude's unhinged and fucked up, don't give him a pass because he's handsome
  7. one part tetris, one part "papers, please", one part fetch quest
  8. Chris Brown's body controlled his fist as it landed blows on women.
  9. why, who wants to know? THE FBI?
  10. My bank closed mine through them because I missed too many payments while I was unemployed, so at least you had yours paid off. I essentially have a bill that i've been paying down for months and won't even get that line of credit reopened after it's paid off.
  11. the fucks wrong with its faaaace??
  12. Even though pop tarts are just sugar and sawdust and vegetable shortening, I still like them from time to time. Fuck the haters, sometimes garbage is delicious
  13. Well, remember that they don't make any money off you if you don't have a balance for them to stack interest on.
  14. 11 years. And if I have any other siblings that I don't know about, then there's some family secrets people been hiding from me. Technically my half sister, but that feels derogatory towards her and my stepdad so I don't like using the term.
  15. idk she's got part of a 1000 yard stare going Cute, though
  16. ....oh no....
  17. he's a pretty major voice actor guy, he's been in a lot of quality shows. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vic_Mignogna#Anime
  18. what if i was going to send pat this card i made for him but just happened to accidentally sneeze by accidental accident as I was sealing the envelope?
  19. If I had a dollar for every time I felt old over the past 5 years of my life considering I just turned 30, or a dollar for every time watching a game show made me want to go to a gangbang.... See here's how I know Im old, because while the gangbang might be fun for a few hours, maybe... ... I got bills to pay...
  20. "casino" what was for lunch today at the "casino"?
  21. theres some shit to stir over in the rants folder. It's so shitty and already stirred up, though, I can't bring myself to try and stir it more
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