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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. @Nabloom how much is too much? Because I can post like... another half dozen music videos in the next ...5-10 minutes. Don't want to spam
  2. I feel nothing inside of me I am I am empty empty I feel nothing inside of me I am I am empty empty I will be immortal I've walked that path it's a dark one The dragons' flames will consume you Blackened is the sun You think you are the chosen one 'til death takes everyone and everything Immorality is darkness I feel nothing inside of me I am I am empty empty Flames fall from the sky Alone in this world that you destroyed Immortal I've walked that path it's a dark one The dragons' flames will consume you I feel nothing inside of me I feel nothing inside of me I am I am empty Empty Flames fall from the sky Alone in this world that you destroyed
  3. Only the dead will see the end There is no glory worth the blood it costs Eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind Lost minds Lost lives Truth is the first casualty Trust is the harbinger of death Lives lost for nothing Lost lives For nothing I give up This world will die because of hate Why can‘t we stop this ignorance? Wake up the world This world will die because of hate Why can‘t we stop this ignorance? This world will die because of hate Why can‘t we stop this ignorance Death Death Only the dead will see the end There is no glory worth the blood it costs Eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind Lost minds Lost lives I give up
  4. I hate everything about hating everything But I can't help myself living in this hell I have no hope I have no hope for this world This world is fueled by hatred and self-destruction Blinded by ignorance and corruption Hiding behind the lies I can't believe my eyes I can't believe My eyes deceive me I can't believe My eyes deceive me So negative, so cold You'll wish you didn't hate when you're all alone Hate is a fire that gives no warmth The bridges burned will prove their worth So negative, so cold You'll wish you didn't hate when you're all alone I hate everything I have no hope I have no hope for this world
  5. ooohh i have musics for this
  6. I did one once with a bunch of friends, it's basically a big puzzle mystery game or whatever. At least the one we did. It was more frustrating than anything, I forget what we got hung up on but there was a lot of thinking too much outside the box and focusing on things that weren't as deep or important as you'd think. We missed some clue and found some other clue before we were really "supposed to". I don't know if I'd make plans to do one again, but if it came up as a random idea one day when we're bored as shit, yeah fuck it, wasted money in other ways. I think it was like $5-10, I don't remember. Less than a movie ticket.
  7. scolioliolioliolio My mom had scoliosis, shit sucked, to paraphrase her.
  8. No one got a full eulogy, just several small toasts
  9. If it were me and a few of my friends we could be "The Dead Parents Society" Also could be "Just Getting By" Or "Women, AMIRITE?"
  10. It's basically a loaded spring made out of razor sharp death, I believe it. If it's already looking like it's closed up, as long as you keep it clean and covered, and just keep an eye on it for redness, swelling etc. I doubt you'll get tetanus, unless the can was from the 1950s and rusty I am not a doctor.
  11. Yeah, if its that deep, it's worth having someone look at it. What did you do? Slip with a screwdriver or something?
  12. So it could be tendon sheath if its deep enough. Also yikes to be that guy. or maybe just a different skin layer, now Im not sure
  13. ehhh... yellow-ish, probably. Fat pads on/in fingers might be a different kind of fat but I'm not completely sure. I just remember from my own injury the piece was fairly white.
  14. I nearly choked when he broke the table
  15. I don't have one of those, this worked, I just didn't set a timer, and after it started taking longer than the internet said it would, I got distracted and forgot about it. Was definitely more preferable than just using a regular pot on the stove. Guess I could make riceballs or something with the really gruel-y parts. Dumplings. Or put up wallpaper.
  16. probably not, more likely its fat tissue. Possibly tendon sheath, which is a much bigger deal, but looking at it again, it's probably just fat. I had a hand injury and had that stuff exposed and poking out a little, I thought it was bone but nope. They had to trim part of it out before they could stitch me, my finger had a flat spot for years
  17. The fuck did you stab yourself with? Or gouge? Might be worth going to an urgent care if it is as deep as the picture makes it out to be, just make sure you put some kind of ointment on it, don't want that getting infected.
  18. I heard about this and gave it try. PROS: made a lot of rice with minimal effort, several meals worth if I use it for things CONS: took a long time, rice at the bottom turned into gruel/rice pudding because I forgot about it Good old fashioned gruel. Fills you up so you forget about all the debt.
  19. Isn't that just a casserole?
  20. Dude's got that steroid pregnancy gut. He's gonna herniate to death
  21. Depends on the potato. Red potatoes = smashed and lumpy with garlic. White potatoes need to be creamy, but variable spices are available
  22. but... but why though?
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