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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I think he slipped in through the pet door.
  2. So do Republicans want mail in voting to be more secure or less secure? I'm getting mixed signals here.
  3. Epicus Spamicus Threadicus
  4. NewBluntsworthicus Boredoutofhisfuckingmindobert
  5. From the article: Not even going to address that the decision has been lambasted by more than half of your entire consituency? Of course not. What's important is that other countries have no business criticizing us. What's not important is the American people criticizing this far more ferociously. Because who cares what they think? Ah yes, they good ol' neo-con concept of religious freedom: Only my religion matters so fuck you.
  6. https://unevenedge.com/topic/56535-chris-chan-has-been-fucking-his-mother/#comments Warning: Link does not open in new tab.
  7. It looked like the app uses google maps, but I'd have to use it again to be sure. I was using GPS as an analogy. I was thinking of using google search as an analogy, you search for a specific location and it gives gives you a different one and doesn't let you look for another, but I think google search is too different than what was bothering me, and looking for something using GPS being close. EDIT: Map of activity? Is that like a map showing where individual Dashers are at? Because I never saw anything like that.
  8. Would you be happy with a GPS system where you were looking to find a specific location of a ubiquitous fast food restaurant, but the GPS only gave you one location, and that one was almost 8 miles away? It's funny, the DoorDash app showed me lots of places that were closed, but like "dim" in appearance letting me know I cannot select it at the moment.... it would be nice if I could put in a specific location, and if it was unavailable at the moment they could show it to me dim with the "unavailable" label, just like the closed places, but whatever....
  9. Which is exactly what I was planning to do.... But it's interesting you assume they'd have to drive 20 minutes to get there*.... I tried a different Burger place I've never heard of before, called The Burger Den. According to Google maps, it looks like it's in the same exact shopping center as the McDonald's I wanted. 🤣 This actually turned out better because that was a great fucking burger. *What's so much more inconvenient about having to drive 20 minutes from where they are to McDonald's as apposed to having to drive 20 minutes from McDonald's to my house?
  10. Well it's paying for convenience in the sense I don't have to go out and get it myself..... but it would be FAR more convenient if I could select any location that I want, so in a sense, I would be paying for inconvenience in this age of anything being readily delivered to our homes. And I've had nothing but good experiences when I've ordered directly through DoorDash, the food's never cold..... When I order from my favorite pizza place and they sub out their deliveries to Dashers, they suck ass at following delivery instructions but the food is always warm. In this case it wouldn't be shitty service causing my food to be cold, it would be the fact that it's about a 20 minute drive in between my house and that particular McDonald's.
  11. You'd think they'd let me select a specific location and have them list me what kind of wait that specific location would have, but no. Let me order from wherever the fuck I want and leave a huge fucking tip for motivation for drivers a little bit far. It would be great for me to order some McDonald's and NOT have it be stone cold by the time it gets here.
  12. I'm very new to using DoorDash, so maybe it's just me being dumb. There's a 24/7 McDonald's really close by but I don't want to drive to right now but I'd like some McDonald's delivered to me, so I'm trying to order on DoorDash. I search for McDonald's and it picks a really fucking dumb location for me to try and order from, and I can't find any way to select a different location or enter one in. What the fuck is with this shit? Why would I order from a McDonald's that's like 20 minutes away when I can order from a McDonald's that's like 5 minutes away? Fucking dumb ass shit piece of crap.
  13. My stand-alone Garmin doesn't require any subscription. That's so fucked up. Just add what you would want to make from those subscriptions into the cost of the car so buyers only have to pay for it once for a lifetime. So completely fucked up.
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. I will never understand people who dip their pizza in ranch.
  16. The beginnings of Skynet...
  17. Since you are are/were into blues, do you know any artists known for doing the type of slide guitar songs that movies/TV use for soundtrack to desolate wasteland scenes? For example:
  18. I was a big fan of VH1 back when I was in high school. As far as the videos were concerned I only cared about what they showed on The Rock Show, but they 100% responsible for getting me into Iron Maiden, if not more bands. Other than The Rock Show, my taste in music was partly shaped by shows such as Legends and Behind the Music (oddly enough it was the Megadeth episode that got me into Judas Priest). Another mini-series they did that shaped my musical taste was The Top 100 Greatest Hard Rock Artists of All Time. Other than all that, I was a fan of the I love the [decade] shows.
  19. What a ridiculous question.
  20. Those are nice tits, alright.
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