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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Close enough. Point is, even if non-credit classes are a no-go, I see no reason why he can't take for-credit classes.
  2. In the context of the rest of the post, it made it seem like you thought mochi wasn't going to want to/be able to take any classes for credit, that's all.
  3. Well at least all the urinals are full when you do that. Some guys just go straight to a stall, piss, and leave regardless of who's in there doing what.
  4. I really don't think I'm " dependent and independent at the same time." I can't quite remember why I'm considered independent, but I THINK it is because I have a bachelor's degree. It might be something else, like my age or something, I can't remember. I'm pretty sure whether or not someone claims you as a dependent on their taxes is not necessarily going to be the same for the purposes of the FAFSA. What's wrong with taking credit classes?
  5. You do need to fill out a FAFSA. I think you do need to be considered an "independent." I'm dependent on my parents' income, but there's some technicality where I'm considered an independent. I think it might be because I have a bachelor's degree, but I can't remember. Maybe there's other technicalities that apply to mochi.
  6. You can find a local community college and apply for a fee waiver. That's what I'm doing right now. I think the reasons I qualified for the waiver is because of low income and I'm not married.
  7. Jeez. I hope I never experience that.
  8. Doom Metal Alchemist


    *space alien noises*
  9. I hate wind this time of year. It can make being outside unbearable.
  10. Only little boys pull their pants all the way down.
  11. It becomes second nature.
  12. I think another part of that is the invention of the urinal makes it so guys can pee in more numbers at once than women can that have to all go in stalls.
  13. It's ok to make a quick turn while leaving. When I do I look a bit up so I don't see the dick of the guy next to me.
  14. It's not just don't make eye contact or look at their junk. Don't even turn your head. Straight up, straight down, or straight ahead.
  15. They didn't just try, they succeeded. But I don't think their revival has been quite as popular as the vinyl revival. And yes it is fucking stupid.
  16. That's fine too. As for the other person's comment about not looking down because another person's dick being in your peripheral vision... I've never had that problem looking down before. Also, I am all in favor of putting an empty urinal in between myself and the next guy. However, if the only urinal available is directly next to someone, I use it.
  17. That's ridiculous. My main beefs with hipsters: The big goofy oversized glasses. Especially on women. Glasses, after decades of being dorky as fuck looking, actually started getting sexy in the 00s, but now they're dorky as fuck again. The man-bun. I've never liked the bun hair style on women. On men it looks beyond retarded.
  18. Look either straight ahead or straight down, don't talk to anyone.
  19. Wow, I don't know what to say other than good luck, don't give up, and stay positive.
  20. That's amusing. But is it just me, or are all those pinups artist renderings? I could've sworn they had cameras when pinups were popular.
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