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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Damn. I liked him in Brooklyn 99. Capt Holt and Jake were by far the best characters on that show.
  2. Yeah the onus of being able to effectively use your browser on any given website has definitely been moved from the web surfer to the UI/UX designer. Unless your version of your browser was created when Windows 7 was the OS most people used, the site needs to be updated... er possibly "down graded" to be user friendly to more common browsers/versions. It seems like it was just this year when Apple decided for iOS to no longer support the iPhone 2. That's how ya do it.
  3. Not quite the same, but remember the days when every website had a "This website best viewed with Internet Explorer vblahblahblah...." message?
  4. Well Ackshually.... They are guessing that is your address, maybe "knowing" it is but want to make extra sure. You call them, confirmed. If they never hear from you, then they assume they have the wrong address and the person who received their letter threw it in the trash. Either way, they get the confirmation they needed.
  5. They told us how many new jobs they created, but I want to see how many jobs were lost for comparison.
  6. Too bad sponges doesn't post here anymore, or I'd summon him.
  7. George Costanza's "Finally, my stupidity pays off!" is probably my all time favorite TV quote. It took me way too long to realize it was where Steve Smith from American Dad's line, "Finally, my selective dyslexia pays off!" comes from in the peanut butter episode.
  8. I'm uh... a quarter Italian and I love Hawaiian pizza. But you know what's better than Hawaiian pizza? Pizza with pineapple and ham, AND a bunch of other meat and veggie toppings. That's how you pizza.
  9. The problem with intermissions is that EVERYBODY in the audience uses them for bathroom and snack breaks, which means very long lines with very long waiting.
  10. I've been curious about Moody Blues for a few years now. All I know by them is Nights in White Satin, which I hated as a kid, but started to like it in adulthood. And then I read they're supposedly very good and influential prog rock band... Never would have guessed that from Nights in White Satin.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. You mean like, crossing your fingers on one hand gives you good luck, but crossing your fingers on your other hand cancels it out?
  13. A few CDs.
  14. Are you doing a ton of the cooking?
  15. For me it was rpgamer's comment about the banana bread flavor. I had to try it. It's really good.
  16. I just realized nobody says 'fap' anymore.
  17. I hate talking on the phone with literally anybody, I'd never be able to last 2 hours on one phone call.
  18. You want to ban ham AND turkey? What do you want instead?
  19. Is that where "idk my bff jill?" originated?
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