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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Please tell me you made that up.
  2. I started watching The Mindy Project on Netflix. I. Hate. Danny. He may be even more of an irredeemable character than Ross from Friends, and that says something. He is just always finding new ways to be a complete asshole to Mindy.
  3. I think the truth of the matter is someone can change only if they themselves want to. If someone else tries to change you, it won't work.
  4. Sometimes a bob can be a very cute hairstyle on a woman, but Victoria Beckham's bob tries too hard. I don't know if that makes any kind of sense to anyone else, but that's the best way I can describe it.
  5. Happy belated!
  6. I mean, to be fair, the reasons you're on thin ice regarding him are quite different than what I'm posting here, lol.
  7. The really sad thing is if he wanted to talk about it THAT badly then fucking use the comment sections of the fucking videos you're referencing in the first fucking place. People actually want to discuss it there, and there are zillions more eyeballs reading those yt comments than reading this board at any given time.
  8. Ghostie keeps prodding people to discuss this topic when people clearly don't want to, including bumping when no one replied to it and begging for people to post in it. It's really annoying, he's done this multiple times, and he is the only one in our whole e-community who does this. Take the hint ghostie. You're not going to die if you post a thread with no replies. It happens to all of us at some point. Also I just came from ranting in an "unpopular opinions thread" on a different board I frequent so maybe I haven't gotten off "you know what really grinds my gears" mode yet, lol.
  9. What scoob is unsuccessfully trying to tell you is your thread is bad and you should feel bad.
  10. Happy birthday, guys!
  11. I know this wouldn't fly on network television, but would the Jerkstore line actually work if it was changed to the asshole store? Ooh, better yet, the Bitchstore.
  12. Was Asuma Sensei's appearance modeled after Wayne Static?
  13. What's it about, OD'ing on Viagra?
  14. That's her artist name, "Celtic Woman"?
  15. I loved how people conflated the Apocalypse (or was it armageddon?) with the Y2K bug.
  16. We Three Kings and Carol of the Bells.
  17. I never go to reddit, even if from a link. I guess its possible benji copypastad this the last time too.
  18. Whole grain waffles suck, even with blueberries in them.
  19. Was it benji that posted it last time? I thought she posted it herself before she got banned.
  20. I wanna know if the waiter liked that response.
  21. They did an entire Christmas album.
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