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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. If you're looking for ideas: Fat Elvis.
  2. Are readers supposed to be engrossed in how shocking the stories are, or laughing their asses off at how stupid they are?
  3. Is that an actual tabloid, or a parody of tabloids? Like The Onion only its in print tabloids.
  4. I don't think I've ever seen a Shakey's. When my family lived in the bay area, we'd get Round Table or Little Caesar's (Little Caesar's was my favorite and they had that 2 pizza's for the price of 1 deal). When we moved to the central valley we never really settled on one place for too long. Aldo's, Me n Ed's, Giovanni's, Davinci's.... and then within the last few years I discovered my real favorite (Chicago's Pizza with a Twist, or just Pizza Twist for short). Like pooh the only reason I ever heard of Shakey's in the first place was because of South Park.
  5. If we were to attack Russia, would Russia "have the right to protect itself" by dropping nukes on us? War is war. Also having concern for innocent Palestinian civilians =/= Anti-Semitism. That claim sounds quite Islamophobic though.
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. I have a friend who would agree with you. I'd say I like the two eras about equally.
  8. Are you sure it was unintentional?
  9. Jimi Hendrix didn't play pure blues completely bereft of rock influences very often, but when he did, it was fucking magical.
  10. When I mouse over it, it says, "ROYGBIV joined recently."
  11. Man, I didn't even recognize the name Kevin Cronin. Had to look him up on wikipedia. But that explains why I didn't recognize his picture.
  12. I call that The Circus Tune because every single last time it comes on TV it's accompanying a scene at a circus.
  13. Bottom left is Ozzy.
  14. I don't recognize who's at the bottom right.
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. I like A Passion Play but that The Owl Who Lost His Spectacles or whatever bit is a bit much. How can you not like Benefit though?
  17. Is it blasphemy if I prefer Metallica's version?
  18. Was that really Ice-T? I thought it was Roiland doing an Ice-T impersonation.
  19. The hamburger's one weakness.... And the real shame is, the better the burger is, the more it's going to do this.
  20. What, no reference that the guy singing is clearly Obi Wan Kenobi?
  21. Well, that's enough to turn me away from Tesla for the rest of my life. The article continues to say the 8 year warranty doesn't cover that problem.
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