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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. What happened with the places where there were bomb threats?
  2. Dude the only point to midlife crises is spending money you don’t have on stuff you don’t need.
  3. This dude knows how to do midlife crises right.
  4. Then they'll assume they got there just in time to snatch the last empty bowl.
  5. Not a gold top Les Paul Standard and a Marshall halfstack, but a fucking tuba. What did his record collection look like?
  6. Secret of Mana's soundtrack is super underrated. Super Castlevania IV's soundtrack actually had a profound impact on me as a musician. I was revisiting the game one day in my adulthood and once that gate closed down and those ominous organ notes played, I wanted to get a pipe organ sound out of my guitar. That led me to eventually discovering the Roland GR-33 Guitar Synthesizer. I used it for organ sounds and other sounds like harp, sitar, tambura, bells, etc in my original metal songs.
  7. Also it's entirely possible it hasn't stuck with me as much because I don't battle Kefka enough to have it seep into my brain like the other ones.
  8. There's just too much good stuff on these OSTs. For Chrono Trigger I originally had Lavos' Theme on there as I love that horror organ, but then I remembered Wind Scene and I had to bump Lavos off.
  9. Top 10 SNES games 1. Final Fantasy IV 2. Final Fantasy VI 3. Chrono Trigger 4. Super Metroid 5. Super Mario Word 6. Street Fighter II Turbo 7. Mega Man X 2 8. Earthworm Jim 9. Super Mario Kart 10. Mega Man X Order subject to change.
  10. A lot cheaper mid life crisis than the more stereotypical buy a Ferrari one.
  11. I have no opinion on PS, but I'm surprised you ranked PS1 over PS2. I was under the impression that the PS2 was the quintessential PS console.
  12. Top 5 tracks from Final Fantasy IV OST: 1. Prelude 2. Fabul 3. The Red Wings 4. Golbez, Clad in Black 5. A Long Way to Go Top 5 tracks from Final Fantasy VI OST: 1. The Day After 2. Shadow's Theme 3. Cyan's Theme 4. The Veldt 5. Overworld Top 5 tracks from Chrono Trigger OST: 1. Frog's Theme 2. Battle with Magus 3. Zeal Palace 4. Schala's Theme 5. Wind Scene Top 5 tracks from Secret of Mana OST: 1. Angel's Fear 2. A Dark Star 3. Eternal Recurrence 4. A Wish 5. Prophecy
  13. I wouldn't put it past Mountain Dew to put out a cucumber lime flavor. I would never try it, and I even tried the fucking flaming hot flavor.
  14. Well considering today is Halloween, you ABSOLUTELY MUST check out this album today: The first song is the number 2 on my above list. And take special note this album was released in fucking 1985.
  15. @Insipid Did your brother tell you why he voted for Trump?
  16. Top 10 doom metal intros: 10. Witchcraft - Witchcraft 9. My Dying Bride - The Sexuality of Bereavement 8. Cirith Ungol - Finger of Scorn 7. Pentagram - Evil Seed 6. Pagan Altar - Judgment of the Dead 5. Sleep - Dragonaut 4. Alms - Dead Water 3. Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge 2. Black Hole - Demoniac City 1. Black Sabbath - Into the Void
  17. Under Donald Trump's hair, there is no scalp; only another Diaper.
  18. Are those really mostly incels though? Hey distorted and nabs (not tagging), why don't you tell us why you young males are leaving the democratic party? To go to the republican party? Or to far more radical left ideologies than the democrats subscribe to?
  19. The fact you could save after each level made the challenge of this game really fun.
  20. What other TV show has so many great peripheral characters as Seinfeld? Frank Costanza, Morty Seinfeld, Newman, George Steinbrenner, J. Peterman, Uncle Leo…
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