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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Man if I was elementary school age seeing that, I'd be jacking it to it non-stop. Not sure what context that would be ok in in elementary school, the only guess I have is a unit about going through puberty. I was about to say possibly sex ed, but they don't do that in elementary school, right? For me that was just a high school thing.
  2. Maybe this will help. NSFW:
  3. Hence "un"birthday.
  4. I'd have to look back to make sure, but I think he literally copypasted your post then intentionally changed the acronym to gibberish.
  5. Robot Chicken had some funny shit about time shares. One of their head writers bought a time share and they made a skit about it.
  6. Blown Cover Through Force
  7. "I'm glad I'm not a poor pot smoker" Said the poor cigarette smoker. I don't smoke anything, but I have friends who smoke both, and it annoys me less when they break out the pot than when they break out the cigs.
  8. I just want to see if/how he contradicts that statement.
  9. Not gonna lie, pretty surprised to see this coming from such a stereotypical boomer conservative such as yourself.
  10. Nah, because I recognize your sn from the ASMB. Maybe I'd find it creepy if I didn't know who you were.
  11. That's why I didn't touch the first part of the post. 😆
  12. I've felt old several times over the past several years, now I don't so much "feel old' as I just accept that I am old. The two latest things that made me feel old: I have grey hairs. A woman at worked asked me about my Black Sabbath tattoo. She didn't know who they were, fair enough, that's to be expected. So I asked her, "do you know who Ozzy Osbourne is?" Expecting her to say yes, because of the TV show The Osbournes. She said no. I'm so old the current crop of young adults don't know who Ozzy is unless they have a real interest in heavy metal music.
  13. What the fuck is this? "I get to say whatever I want, but you don't get to say anything back"? That's a nice cop out.
  14. Weren't you the one just over the last couple of days tsk-tsk'ing everyone for getting ghostrek's thread's DF'd?
  15. I believe he made the alt TrigunBalloonPop once. Also, at least he chose two excellent animes and not something stupid like Inuyasha.
  16. What do you think of that Family Guy gag where Peter and Mayor West blow bubble gum bubbles as if they were helium balloons and they use them to fly away?
  17. I like the T-Rex cause I'm a basic bitch.
  18. Happy birthday! 🎂
  19. I think the only celebrity I've met is Dwight Clark (retired San Francisco 49ers TE). Does it count that I got Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward's autograph in person, although neither one of us said a word to each other?
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