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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Dreamcast is an old system, it itself might not even have broadband or wifi capabilities.
  2. I've never heard that phrase before in my life. I'd have to assume it started with Atari 2600 players.
  3. Jesus Christ that game is 21 years old. You as may well ask him if he wants to play Frogger with you. Goddamn I'm old.
  4. "Passing sticks" on Mega Man 3? Did you use the NES Advantage?
  5. You couldn't mod an Xbox.
  6. He's a brontosaurus.
  7. Not sharing because I find it particularly funny, but what the hell is with the ratio between the size of his body and the size of his head?
  8. That's me, except I passed young years ago. Still cracks me up when boomers tell me, "You're young, you can take it." I'M ALMOST 40, THAT ISN'T YOUNG I DON'T CARE IF IT'S YOUNGER THAN YOU.
  9. This is a pizza thread. This thread was specifically created to not derail a thread about pasta turning into a thread about pizza, and now you're trying to derail this thread back to pasta.
  10. I thought it was a snowy landscape.
  11. This was my experience browsing match.com profiles some 15 or so years ago. Because this, coupled with pretty much every profile I looked at explicitly listing long hair as a turn off, was my first and last time I ever even remotely attempted Internet dating. I hear Tinder has changed the game though.....
  12. Or nipples at all. Remember that episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion where it showed Rei completely topless but she had no nipples?
  13. https://www.facebook.com/idishman/posts/10158652052914825 I'm attempting to share a REALLY good one that appears to be something someone typed up themselves in a fancy background and large font, and short of screencapping it and uploading it, this is the only way I know how to share it. If you know anything about the metal band Megadeth, you gotta see it.
  14. Alright..... Does the pic mean the maker of the pic misses the old Cartoon Network logo? Because Cartoon Network still exists....
  15. Yes, I am taking things literally to the extreme, but since someone said Italians don't put cheese on their pizza, I can't help but take this literally, so excuse me if this is extremely stupid.... This recipe includes some sort of dough/crust/bread, right?
  16. You mean you miss the old Cartoon Network logo? Because Cartoon Network still exists....
  17. Well, until I see something from pat or panic, I will remain careful.
  18. Can you provide a link, please?
  19. It was in mochi's ban screen / warning (whichever, I don't know if he was banned or if he ragequit because of being censored) You have to click to see the ban screen.
  20. Pat said "no explicit nudity." "People should know the difference between suggestive and explicit." What constitutes "explicit" nudity? Obviously genitals and butthole, but anything else?
  21. Which I didn't post, and nobody, including buddy, cleared that up for me. Buddy told me I wouldn't get banned just for cleavage, which I already knew.
  22. We are all just a figment of someone's imagination.
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