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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. I look forward to laughing at a doctor trying to recommend treatment options. I'd rather take the "Get out of life free(ish)" card, thanks. Instead of racking up that sweet medical debt, let's just jump straight to chipping away at those funeral costs.
  2. Impartial to the design, but I do appreciate his fighting stance. Gives off a xingyi vibe.
  3. I'd also hazard a guess that the body doesn't seem especially designed for maneuverability, so an elongated neck may help in catching elusive prey.
  4. It would've been, if it had ended with the bomb. Bit of a cop out, that after everything, he wasn't actually strong enough to beat him, and had to fall back on the last resort, but still, not a bad twist to have that backup plan. But then having the king survive that kinda felt like it nullified the efforts of everything else. The entire attack on the capitol was basically meaningless, Gon's the only one that really accomplished anything, at his own great cost. Other than that, everyant of importance survived, they had effectively won. Their only downfall was some sort of deus ex poison that wasn't revealed until later that just happened to also be able to spread and kill everyone else in the vicinity. Hooray, the heroes won, but it just sorta felt like none of their efforts actually went towards accomplishing that. Winning by plot device is a bit of a let down after all the badassery they pulled off.
  5. Discussion topic: Did Meruem deserve this arc? I hesitate to call it a redemption arc, not really sure anything's been redeemed here. Sympathy arc may be more accurate. Certainly everything in this episode was meant to make the viewer feel sad at his passing. And, personally, I don't think he deserved it. I don't think it's enough to cleanse what has otherwise been a ruthlessly evil personality. He's killed without a second thought, without remorse. If it weren't for the poison, I struggle to believe that he would've stopped in his conquest. If anything, Komugi at least deserved the happy-ish ending. She did ultimately fulfill her life's greatest desire, I suppose, so I can see her getting the "I can die happy" ending. I just don't really feel like Meruem deserved to also die happy. Speaking of the poison, I'm not really satisfied with that direction, either. Incredibly anticlimactic. While I'm sure the writers had their plans, every intention of probably reaching this exact point, it also feels too much like they just made the bad guys too powerful and realized that nothing else they could really come up with would result in a protagonist victory. They had essentially all already been beaten back, nothing left to stop the antagonists (ant-agonists, hah). "Well, shit, how do we resolve this now?" "Uhhhhh, surprise poison?" In summary, while an emotional episode, for as long as this arc has gone on, I feel like this story could've been wrapped up much better.
  6. When was the last time Family Guy was edgy?
  7. I feel like I might've been more impacted by this if I weren't also thinking "Fucking finally, this whole chimera ant business is over."
  8. Gotta admit, that was a nicely animated fight between Sakura and Shin.
  9. Great, up until it had to make up an ending when it couldn't carry on with the manga storyline.
  10. Too bad everyone got screwed on their taxes and more folks ain't getting refunds.
  11. Does the sentence look dumb when you spell out the number? If yes, use numerals.
  12. I recently learned there are now a total of (at least) 6 Tremors movies. And I can't understand why anyone would still be watching those.
  13. Instead of living dinosaurs, undead dinosaurs. Vampire velociraptors. Skeleton stegosaurus. Gallimimus ghosts. Tyrannosaurus Lich. Undead dinosaurs sounds like the perfect genre for way too many low budget straight-to-SyFy movies.
  14. Alternate theory, they've realized everyone just tunes out once they see it's more filler garbage, so they put the ads up early before they lose too many viewers.
  15. Not necessarily. Could just be getting it done if they thought the episode didn't really have a good enough break point.
  16. My short experience with Sling has been monumentally disappointing. Loves to freeze up or just crash for no reason.
  17. That was one possibility. Probably the best outcome for everyone that watches on DVR.
  18. I was under the impression that he would've had Nanbu cut out his own eye.
  19. Soooo, what's going to happen with the extra 15 minutes now?
  20. Oh. Ok. I just thought my Roku/Sling was fucking up. Not unusual. Oh well. At least it crashed during something I didn't care for, right? >_>
  21. From the first day they learn about all the great things they can do with their dick, boys will sometimes develop an obsession with their magical member.
  22. Just put an ad up in the YMCA locker room. More old members than you can shake your old member at.
  23. Re: Anime, I'd kinda question how... idk, worth it, it would be to try to boost that crowd. I would definitely love if the anime discussion were more on the level of the old days, when things actually got discussed, rather than the current play-by-plays that everyone does. As is, advertising for new members interested in Toonami, I'm just not really sure how much we have to offer for them here, especially given other options I imagine exist. For non-[as] anime, seems like it'd be even harder to justify new folks feeling like this is the place to be. Idunno man. Maybe all we need is enough new blood to shift the environment to something different. It certainly wouldn't be a bad thing. Just, sorta, putting myself in the position of someone new, and trying to consider what there is here that would keep me here. On that note, shitposting. I mean, that's basically our niche. I suppose if that's our vibe, we don't really need to clean up all our shit posters. I've always sorta thought that if this place was ever going to grow and develop the sort of community we had in our heyday, we'd be better off trying to remove several members that are universally reviled. Basically, all the garbage that's still here that drove off so many good users. Because if that shit pushed some dedicated members to bail, there's little real chance of retaining anyone new with it still around. But if it's made clear we're basically all just here to rip on each other, maybe it's not as bad as I thought.
  24. The only thing I find plain yellow mustard good for is pretzels.
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