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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Mattel presents their brand new 'Bullshit Barbie!' Bullshit Barbie comes with an extra large press pass so you know she's special and her outfit includes extra large cuffs and collars for that 'I just escaped from a 1960's DC comic' look and sideways lazy lizard eyes to really bring home that 'If I only had a brain' motif.
  2. Well I hope he enjoys sponge's anus because I think I'll put that in the inbox next.
  3. And me too after submitting a reply.
  4. That...that doesn't narrow it down too much.
  5. All I know is I have a voice screaming in my head every time there's mention of that new AI 'Tony Stark made it in a cave! With scraps!'
  6. Just leave Stanleys around full of Pumpkin Spice Latte and they'll either shut up or fight each other for the prettiest tumbler.
  7. Did you know it only takes a few thousand repetitions of the word 'NAZI' to crash their unmanned help center?
  8. I hope it's scripted so she says no in order to write a bunch of songs about how she's so alone and I don't have to see either of them on the news for a while.
  9. Yeah, we have that in abundance here. There was a bill to fund school meals for little kids fully - all kids. The super majority of asshats whined and cried about how it shouldn't be the government's responsibility to feed these kids when their parents should be doing that. They then, without a hint of irony, voted to give themselves an increase in their own per diem meal reimbursements because grown adults with government jobs need the government to feed them and can't brownbag it.
  10. I think I'll spam 'NAZI' in his inbox since my appeal on his site is still 'pending' which means I still have an autoreply box that's accessible.
  11. With all the orders going out to not talk about bird flu, no communications allowed with WHO, and no reports of any sort of spreading disease that might hurt the Annoying Orange's delicate fee-fees, we might not know if it gets super bad until our neighbors are being hauled away in body bags. The number of people around here coughing like they are hollow keeps going up.
  12. It may be an old Russian video but it was a baby bear that was saved by a hooman from a raging fire and the baby bear did glom onto the one that saved him. So still a good video in a trying time.
  13. It has a shelf life though. Once Roadkill Robert gets the keys to the Health dept, all vaccines will be replaced with those silver nitrate supplements sold by Chili Boy or a business card that says 'thoughts & prayers'.
  14. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what they claim won't be taken away since destroying all the social safety nets has been a wet dream of so-called 'conservatives' since Reagan. If this EO is the one that speeds things along, they won't care - they'll just claim things 'are tied up' and 'not our fault'.
  15. I used to work with someone named Dave. If anyone knocked on my door looking for him, I'd announce 'Dave's not here, man' and snicker.
  16. That's all I've been hearing about - don't bother joining up regardless of what's in your pants because you are going to be treated like shit by actual shit. This is not the look you want or need for what is basically a volunteer military. Watch as he decides that North Korea has very good idea and drafts all males [ except of course the rich ones with bone spurs ] for mandatory military service. Without pay. Its a 'meritocracy' after all, you have to earn it.
  17. If they can show Food Wars, Dumbbells shouldn't be a problem, right? MHA I feel is a given get in that it's done pretty well despite the late night slots in the past. On that same note, we couldn't necessarily discount more JoJo if the price is right. I figured mentioning Daima because that apparently has an actual finale and I thought we were looking at both long potentials and shorter filler type programs. Disney can eat a bag of dicks. Their streaming revenue is starting to lag so badly that they, as well as other streaming services, are increasingly bundling with others to the point where it just looks like they are trying to reinvent cable. I mentioned Bleach because it's also something that's played on here before. It just seems right that it should eventually make its way to here. Plus, it's one episode a week here which really should not be remotely considered competition.
  18. Dr. Stone is a high possibility at this time. Wildhorse but still potential - Bleach : 1000 year blood war. Another wildhorse without as much potential but it's ending soon on the other spots so... - Dragon Ball Daima Hilarious pick-up that I wish they would just for the troll effect - How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? Budget Classic that they might do late-night as another long runner ala Dragon Ball - YuYu Hakusho.
  19. Recently, nope. I've been popping in and out of here randomly for the past few days and nothing seems to be triggering the weird so far.
  20. Hey now. Hauling those Paul Bunyan doorstops to get melted down for scrap metal has to be worth something.
  21. He thinks it makes him sound extra smart and very much wow when it comes to economics. But then he ruins it for those who actually pay attention by claiming they'll make us so much money when tariffs do the exact opposite - the consumer pays more and more for the same thing. But it sounds important enough for idiots so that's what he sold them. Done. I'm all powerful in this world of fake money on paper. They said in order to help with a DIGNIFIED RETURN. But by all means, skip over how the last group spent the entire flight in a cargo plane, handcuffed without any food, water, or heat. It's the modern-day equivalent of chaining people up and tossing them into the hold of a leaky ship but let's just pretend it's totally not that because DEI Civil Rights aren't real anymore.
  22. Suddenly Jazzhands Jr can't get his 'meds' anymore. The ultimate cut-off.
  23. Honestly, maybe those banks should just confiscate SpaceX and Tesla. They would have foreclosed and taken everything from anyone else and for far less of a debt.
  24. As someone who paid more in taxes just buying groceries the other day than most of the billionaires giving fat boy tithes have paid in their lifetimes, I hereby use my obvious fake wealth to rename Florida 'Flacidland'.
  25. Look for him in your dreams, dude. He'll be dressed up as Freddy Krueger but the Wish version of that costume.
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