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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Let's just cut to the chase and declare that we are currently being invaded by a fleet of Ricks in their various flying cars made of garbage and go back to watching things explode on the internets.
  2. That I kind of wonder about just because around here they have 'drone catchers' near the airports that immediately override and attract hobby drones in the area. It pulls them into a very specific and controlled line straight to the airport impound so they can't get near any incoming planes enough to cause issues. Granted, the airport is right next to a military facility so there's that added level going on. I would think most airports would have something like that to activate though just in case and it should work on anything using drone tech.
  3. Dude, I could pull that same move on someone and not break the hyoid [ which I'm sure you just looked up ]. I'm just not stupid enough to hold on past the 30 seconds it takes to knock someone out with that because anything longer than 60 seconds is murder. Further, it was a black dude. Do you think that bruises turn white on black skin? Do you think that non-glowing bruises mean they totally aren't there somehow so nothing bad could have possibly happened? This is a very slippery slope you are standing on right now and you are wearing roller skates.
  4. Plain form, our basic life foundation is very specific and everything we deal with has that same basic life foundation. So we are able to fight off bad things faster and adapt to even mutations because we are technically the same. Scientists playing with mirror lifeforms do so by reversing that foundation. Reversing that foundation technically makes those things same but very different - our systems wouldn't recognize a mirrored form of something bad. And since mutations happen all the time, those mirrored lifeforms could end up mutating into something we wouldn't even pretend to fight against because we couldn't. Mirrored lifeforms could end up being our engineered extinction.
  5. Do you think they even know they are in NEW JERSEY?
  6. Like a pack of locust that even eat asphalt.
  7. That is a form of grooming. Two cats that are friends will clean each others faces so cleaning their favorite hooman is the same thing. I think tuxies are particularly into grooming their hoomans because Potato Bug likes to pull on the hair on the top of my head which I've never had a cat do. She hasn't gone full face licking yet but she does get extra affectionate in the early morning when she wants to be snuggly right in my face.
  8. Not going to lie, I tried to win that stupid thing. It was an impression contest that I got up the courage to do in the middle of the night after I got back from Atlanta and I never heard anything again. My revenge is going to be creating a Muppet Billy and wreaking havoc on drunks in Atlanta!
  9. In some states there is no time limits on sexual abuse because the church was using time limits to shift their pedos around to run out the clock. Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia and Wyoming have all gotten rid of the statute of limitations for felony sex crimes. Other states have extended time frames based on age of the individual at the time of the abuse and whether or not there is identified DNA. I'm guessing since there's a lower threshold for a civil suit, that was the route chosen.
  10. They seek the thing known only as 'toaster oven porkchop'.
  11. He thinks tariffs make things cheaper.
  12. Potato Bug rant [ dictated not read ] : I waited in the hall. It was the right time and you weren't there. I yelled a lot but you still didn't show up. It got late and dark. You finally came home and I could smell the foods on you but you didn't have any foods for me?!! I am the small and precious! I could have died of no foods! And now I am going to scream in the hallway at top volume for a bit so you know that I am very very angry and will continue to hate you until I see something shiny. Translation - I stopped for hatchday noms at a nearby Mexican restaurant after work and grabbed a free coffee at Caribou while I was at it, making me exactly 1 hour 15 minutes later getting home. And the Bug is livid. I'm just waiting for the 5 pound uncovered shit-mountain she's going to leave in the box later out of spite.
  13. Spank you spank you very much! I'm soooo old. And I'm sooo full of seafood enchilada.
  14. Everyone is now Spartacus!
  15. Nobody tell him. Maybe we can finally get rid of that Civil War holdover crap.
  16. I refuse to believe there is any other way.
  17. Fact: None of the above are true. Fact: Someone's time would be better served by taking an adult learning course in reading comprehension. You're retired now, go forth and wow some community ed teacher with your knowledge.
  18. You don't need that. You can look up the voting on H.R. 7688, the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act, yourself since you won't believe anything anyone actually links to you. Plus at this point someone is going to link you to an elephant taking a dump on someone anyway. Republicans voted against it because they see nothing wrong with higher prices.
  19. That's called 'price gouging'. And the republicans voted to protect that. Do keep up.
  20. Calling the real possibility that it's a faked crash so that he can disappear for as long as possible.
  21. Dumpster got rid of various regulations so the precious wouldn't have to worry about pesky things like keeping employees from being killed or injured on the job or stupid things like clean water and air and landfills that didn't have radioactive waste products dumped in them at full cost to the taxpayer. There are still plenty of permits that AREN'T being used because the oil companies like to play the baby. The only NEW drilling permits being pushed right now are for exploratory bullshit in currently protected lands which, guess what, Dumpster wants to open because he doesn't like anything that smacks of natural. He just wants to sell off land, especially if it isn't his to sell. One of those places is the Arctic Refuge in Alaska where not only would drilling destroy habitat and numerous species but the TAXPAYERS would be 100% responsible for paying for the roads going out into that wilderness and maintaining them while the drill-baby-drills would gut the place and keep all the profits. Of which they make BILLIONS in PROFIT every QUARTER. They are in fact gouging at every opportunity and any time something doesn't seem to be going their way, they slow down production themselves and raise things even higher. Much like your attempt to claim superior knowledge of all things Canadian with someone who actually grew up on that border and frequently traveled across it, you are now attempting the same thing with someone who actively lives in a stupid oil producing state and has to deal with derailments and toxic landfills. You lost this round before you even finished thumb-twiddling a single post.
  22. Fact check time - when given a chance to do something about price gouging, republicans chose to vote to protect price gouging because oil and gas companies were the top gougers to be targeted in a crackdown. So remember, if you don't like the high cost of gas, you shouldn't have voted for those who make their allowance from keeping that price high.
  23. Government officials shouldn't have frickin' TikTok on their sensitive phones anyway. There's a reason the higher up you are, the more likely you'll be supplied with a specific phone for your job. Plus, pretty sure far too many of those officials were just using it to creep on underaged users anyway. Looking at you, Gaetz. And most places that host things tend to have a disclaimer of some sort that you post things at your own risk because they can use what you post for whatever they want. Even the old [ asmb ] had that in the ToS as a perpetual butt-cover for themselves. I don't have nor will ever likely have a TikTok account because it stinks of Rick it's a very web-cammy thing and I'm about as photogenic as Sasquatch but a power blanket ban on something that people are actively using to earn a living without there being any viable alternatives offered to move to just seems like a bitch move.
  24. You mean when because we already know what kind of response we'll get should this really start to take off. 'Shithole' people will be banned from entering the country while all the rich white travelers will waltz right back in from their world cruises and safari holidays without even the slightest attempt to health-check because 'mah bodily autonomy!' And pregnant people will be allowed to die because cruelty is the reason.
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