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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Counterpoint. With a fork that ruined, there are any number of things I might actually do with it just because it's no longer considered a food utensil. Hell, just looking at it, the handle is still straight and with that hook, it could hang into a coffee cup to stir added milk and sugars.
  2. I think if Keith Richards goes, there's going to be an absolute tsunami of people being rushed to the hospital in shock. Dude was a wet nurse for frickin' GOD.
  3. Good. At least they have the option to not watch a skit on late night Saturday tv. Everyone has to deal with their stupid in rl 24/7 now.
  4. Was asked if I'd be home this Saturday, said yes I'd be home this Saturday. It was to be a delivery of Girl Scout cookies from the niecelette. Waited all day. Wanted to take a nap but refused because I'd sleep through any text alerts. Wanted to go to the tiny shop across the street because I thought I saw two of the three glass kitten figures I've been looking for in the window [ they are next to the Caribou where I got breakfast this morning ] but didn't dare because I figured they'd show up while I'm over there. Am just now making coffee because I didn't want to make any until they showed up. Didn't work on any projects because I didn't want to be in the middle of something. Summary - no one showed up and no one sent a message or called the landline to say they weren't going to make it after all. And now I'm tired and crabby and the kitten is wound up because I promised she'd have new people to climb on.
  5. Downloading and deleting all info regarding high rates of [ insert disease deaths here ] as well as deleting all info regarding maternal and fetal deaths due to republican shittery.
  6. I would have told them that neither the Joker nor the Rules card count as winning in any game played by anyone ever.
  7. From here on out, anyone that thinks ghostrek's speech-to-text posts are off should try re-reading that ^ spurge salad.
  8. Roadkill Robert's dead brain worm is rubbing it's something while whispering Mr. Burnsisquely through the swiss cheese holes 'Excellent'.
  9. The report I heard was that the landscaper called it in because he saw them through the window and they weren't moving. When the cops got there, he was found in the mudroom, she was found in the bathroom where there were spilled pills and the space heater on the floor. The dog was locked in a crate. And they had all been dead for awhile, perhaps weeks, which is why they aren't sure of all the things. Theory is that maybe one of them fell first and was unable to get up when the other might have fallen. Neither were able to get up to get help for the other. But the decomposition is going to make it hard to just go yep with anything at this time.
  10. Only republicans are allowed to use that word. It's THEIR word.
  11. He's still around, he just changed his internet name on youtube to something else equally dumb. I just mentioned him since he's our local liver 'expert', mainly due to a diet rich in PBR shaken-not-stirred on local bus rides. Trachtenberg didn't have any history of being a raging drunk so in her case, it could be a genetic thing that just caught up with her.
  12. At a certain age, pills in and of themselves mean nothing. But space heaters can have issues. And that would have taken out the dog in the room too. If it's on a timer, it could run long enough to do damage, then turn off and the fumes would dissipate. First thing I thought of when I heard this this morning was carbon monoxide poisoning.
  13. I was hoping to do some glossy sealer work on a couple of wooden boxes and decided to just spray the crap out of one in an open box in the tub instead of setting up a generic spray tent. And now my entire apartment smells like I've been huffing spray paint through a hose. I think the kitten is high. She was treating her couch like it was a stripper pole before blasting off into the kitchen for kibbles.
  14. Zeni disease? Now that the tension has been broken [ my excuse anyway ], it really doesn't take much to go downhill if your liver shits the bed permanently and a new one is rejected while you are still recovering. Poisons can build up quickly and she looked like a twig to begin with so there wasn't a whole lot of her to deal with any such build up. It's probably why its listed as natural causes at this time.
  15. Plausible deniability. You don't need to know. Also, you kinda skipped over how more than half that stack is books on various martial arts and weapons training. I...found the self defense shelves at the used bookstore and stocked up on a few 'try me, bitch' books. <.< >.> The reality is that except for the Buckland one [ or maybe that's changed too, I keep forgetting how frickin' old I am ], most of those books found this time around are old classic reprints or thick anthropology texts. I read a lot of things and learned to snag the interesting stuff the second I find it because it won't be there next time. Plus. at least this way the bookstore owner is getting money for them instead of someone stealing them to destroy. To keep on general topic, I'm still reading the entire Bakuman series, just finished #13 [ I'm reading slow to enjoy it all otherwise I'd be done already ] and have also started 'Bo Karate Weapon of Self-Defense'.
  16. Honestly, all the 'blue' states should be considering doing this since we already know that any federal disaster assistance that's needed is going to be handed out sparingly and only to ass-kissers anyway. Let Princess Tinyhands and his pack of idiots try to cash their checks when the states that actually pay taxes into the system decide to turn off their spigots. And I'm saying this from a 'red' state.
  17. Any day now, I'm expecting to get an e-mail letting me know I've been moved to permanent first class status as long as I don't cancel anything.
  18. It was a full video on a loop and it was disgusting. >.< Considering how many holes there are now in the system due to all the very big brains jamming their unencrypted servers into the department computers, I don't know if anyone wants to see the sequel. But there will be a sequel. They keep firing all the people who could actually do the security checks after all.
  19. A rare pic of my legs during the winter.
  20. True. But at the same time, there's no guarantee that whoever takes his place won't be a shithead that will allow a total steamroll of Ukraine in exchange for an apartment in Moscow and a bag of Drumpf's ass hair to sniff.
  21. My answer is don't. Neither of the idiots that Zelensky and Ukraine are dealing with keep their promises unless those promises are filled with spite and violence against someone else. And neither of those idiots want Ukraine to gain the full protections of NATO membership.
  22. Pretty sure that was the theme of a movie on USA's Up All Night back in the 90's.
  23. First time in a long time that I actually frost bit all my fingers in a single go. The system just wouldn't stay sync'd. The tits didn't care.
  24. My tits were a delightful -41'F on Wednesday, spank you very much.
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