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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Now THAT sounds painful as hell. But strangely alluring if I wanted to make weird patterns in the leg warmers.
  2. It worked and I was able to sit and watch a movie. That's all that matters.
  3. Shaving. It's such a worthless pain. Who am I even doing this for, the kitten? She's hairier than me! I've honestly used sandpaper on my legs rather than officially shaving them. Just sat in the chair in front of the computer watching a movie and sanding my legs.
  4. I feel like sending a massive bill to the Dumpster Administration. I don't recall signing up to be part of a dystopian movie series and therefore require not only a VERY generous advance for my time but a bunch of riders as well. One of those is a game of Roshambo with Melon Husk. Ladies first.
  5. But will they be allowed to remember that we had any of those things or will it be mandatory that nothing ever existed before? If you can't read and everything you get is fed to you from a state-run tv station, the only future that the next generation will know is what they are told to know.
  6. Going to play devil's advocate. This could very well be true but not necessarily true. Princess Tinyhands is a well-known narcissist with a chronic need to have his tiny ego stroked and told how rich he is and that was established in the early 80's. Russia has never had any problems with catering to that shallow whim. So, it's quite possible that Drumpf received the equivalent of Herschel Walker's fake police badge - Russia making him feel special by giving him a special name [ that just means 'beautiful' so that fits the ego ]. He feels special and therefore even more willing to believe their stupid shit and they are laughing at him behind his back the entire time. Summary - useful idiot has Russian 'codename', about as useful as an Ovaltine decoder.
  7. The only reason you don't see Bibi marching baby coffins through the streets is because they keep insisting that they are only killing terrorists and not civilians. Baby coffins say otherwise. But he is responsible for all the baby coffins.
  8. What good is oversight if the second it is supposed to kick in, the 'king' steps in and EO's it into oblivion...
  9. Guess who is a spoiled little bastard and got her own sofa?
  10. Considering he hangs out with someone who actively shits himself and marinates in it rather than changing his diaper, he probably doesn't worry too much because no one will think the smell is coming from him. Whoever is supplying the K could be the next greatest American hero if they just so happened to change the formula. Just sayin'...
  11. But what if orcas have a form of synesthesia that we haven't been able to pinpoint yet? They might taste smells. I'm being obnoxious at this point because I don't really care so long as they terrorize rich assholes. But it's still a thought. Synesthesia can be a real trip.
  12. You can SMELL that picture through the screen.
  13. I see all these videos of kitties playing volleyball with balloons. Looks like fun. Someone apparently failed ValenCrimes Day because I found a huge balloon bouquet trying to escape the dumpster. Balloons! Tosses some at the kitten. Meh. Ignore her and then see her trying to bite the crap out of them. I just had to pop a dozen balloons to ensure she didn't ingest any flying rubber if she decided to go in for the kill when I'm asleep/at work. Jerk kitten.
  14. Okay, putting you out of your misery. 'Jackass' actually did something like this in one of their movies. It didn't take centuries to get enough sweat either. They had the bigger dude [ I think it was Preston ] put on a plastic body suit and then hop on an exercise bike or treadmill or something like that. He sweat like hell and it all puddled up in the leg cuffs which were then emptied into a glass. Steve-O was probably the dude who drank it and it was an immediate projectile vomit moment. I'm not even going to attempt to find the clip. It's bad enough I remember it existed. >.<
  15. Screw this. I'LL post it then.
  16. AKA, go ahead and land on 'Fred Trump's Home for Criminally Isane Pedos'.
  17. Anything that can't get broken down and absorbed gets cocooned to cut down on edges. He probably had a really bad bout of the 'flu' with lung congestion back when it happened because the lungs were trying to lube it up but those lung flaps aren't exactly built to let out large particulates.
  18. But what about his dead brain worm?
  19. That still doesn't exclude my idea that yachts are smelly and therefore attract orcas.
  20. Well I guess that's all that anyone needs to say the next time someone takes aim.
  21. Yachts. I'm thinking its their smell. Something that rich people are unloading out of their big boat waste receptacles directly into the ocean is drawing orcas to just beat the shit out of them. They aren't going after the little working boats and you know those guys also have to poop in the sea too. The kitten misses the litter box because she's sick, I clean it up, give her a lecture while doing so and then make sure she has extra water with an ice cube and maybe a very small piece of cheese because it's not her fault [ well, it is because she keeps chewing on the poison plants but that's beside the point ]. You come into my home and shit on the floor, I'm going to power slam your face into the mess and keep rubbing until I hit bone.
  22. It sounds like an alien pretending to be an Earthling. 'What's your name?' [ don't say john smith...don't say john doe...those sound so fake ] 'Tom Human' *inflates neck pouch to look impressive and masculine 'Tom Homan? You look perfect for a job in hunting humans.'
  23. Not if he thinks he'll get to keep some of that money though.
  24. Maybe it'll hit that flying tesla. That thing going off might be just enough to deflect it straight at FlacidLand.
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