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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. The people appearing in the Greenland photo op wearing shithead hats and talking about how much they want the US to take over Greenland....were apparently a bunch of homeless that were gathered up and paid with a single hot meal for that hot take. Jazzhands Jr probably gathered the hats back up after because no one paid for them.
  2. He can't. According to the excuse argument made by republicans that allowed them to refuse Obama a choice because he was a lame duck president, Drumpf can't have any picks because he is currently a lame duck president. And I encourage everyone possible to remind their representatives of that multiple times should anything occur giving that douchecanoe another bite if an apple he already ruined.
  3. If I had spares, trust that I would figure out how to spread the fan love because that's what I do. Seriously. I can officially say that I have merch in frickin' Australia now.
  4. I have this thing [ along with way the hell too many other VB things ]
  5. Try asking at places like craft and home good stores if you can have a shot at any bubble wrap they get their freight in. As long as you are polite about it, you'll probably get an entire garbage bag full of assorted sizes of it for free after the main freight day. Some of those pieces are big enough to wrap furniture in because that's what they were for in the first place. * * * * The kitten's new favorite place to fall asleep is...right across my neck as I'm trying to sleep. Baby kitten, you are the sweet but you are also now 7 pounds of furry weasel right across my trachea at 3 in the frickin' morning. Curl up in my armpit if you are that cold.
  6. Holy crap, you are all mandated to watch the frickin' Venture Brothers. All the seasons AND the movie.
  7. Yeah, that's worked out sooo well for Shitter. Even Husk's AI program won't lie for its daddy and says Husk is the biggest source of disinformation going on. I guess Bluesky is going to get another massive influx of people tired of the same wankers screaming about 'free speech' while actively doing everything they can to make it impossible for that to actually happen.
  8. Drumpf choking on a french fry and landing on Vance in his final panic.
  9. Stop posting your fetish porns, Packard. You've officially bored everyone and that says something in this crowd.
  10. *actually has a full weekend off I'm going to get so much done this weekend! Also me *farts the weekend away by taking a nap and sitting in front of the computer for hours at a time
  11. And what you want is naturally more of this, every 100th post!
  12. If it's approved by the above banned, it's automatically included. Detox yourself.
  14. Half mast is still a full mast more than them.
  15. Personal shinjobs and an autographed xerox of MTG's asshole from the copier down the hall.
  16. I was thinking that maybe that's just the most popular one in a particular region so it won the lotto on idiots this week.
  17. Dismantled and rebuilt by WHO exactly? Because the current in-coming shitshow wants to do that because people dared to try holding him accountable for the shit that he absolutely did do and, once full of personally useful idiots, use it to punish anyone that ever said anything bad about him. Further - I HAVE A BUTTON THAT SAYS 'MAKE PACKARD MY BITCH' AND I WILL FRICKIN' USE IT. KNOCK IT OFF, DICKWEED. GAWD.
  18. Okay, I definitely laughed at this. Quite frankly, if it wasn't for the fireworks going off/the truck attack in New Orleans happening too, no one would be looking at this as anything other than a Tesla blowing itself up because that's what those stupid f-ing things do. And that's probably why the person who walked through the shot of the video of the truck on fire didn't seem to be all that wound up.
  19. 'I shit in this pool and encouraged my bestest friends to also shit in this pool. Why is this pool full of shit?'
  20. Just keep referring to him as President Musk/Husky and the bigger ego will start whipping ketchup at his head.
  21. Once one person owns the majority of the satellites that the rest of the planet depend on for day-to-day activities, there is no such thing as 'free' communications anymore.
  22. She's already been punted. She made it to like 3 followers.
  23. Top 5 Places My Kitten Has Farted On In The Last 3 Days [ no particular order ] - The litterbox My pillow In her play tunnel The top of the popcorn tin My chest
  24. has passed on at age 100 at this time. https://www.washingtonpost.com/obituaries/2024/12/29/jimmy-carter-president-dead/ edit - paywall thingie, here's a slightly not paywall link but its on all the news too so... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/jimmy-carter-39th-us-president-and-noted-humanitarian-has-died/ar-AA1wFp6U?ocid=BingNewsSerp
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