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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Naw, I realized that but just felt like pointing out the main reason this one didn't make the original cut when Sailor Moon made it to America the first time.
  2. Ah yes, behold another of the 'banned' episodes. Trigger warning for this one - animal abuse.
  3. Don't be so sure about that. Of the big three he's supposedly stringing along for their apparently excellent rimjob skills, the one that keeps floating like a turd to the top is Burgum. He's favored because he's basically wallpaper compared to the other two so he wouldn't be seen as stealing the spotlight from a massive narcissist. But while governor here, he's pretty much happily signed virtually every so-called 'culture war' bill that came across his desk including one that would ban 'questionable reading material' from both public schools -and- booksellers and ramping up active discrimination against trans children, women, gays, anyone that might question anything... But then he turns around and claims he doesn't want to talk about those ridiculous culture war things because they aren't as important as the economy and border security - which like most republicans he doesn't actually care about except as talking points for elections. Dude okayed the dumping of radioactive toxic socks from the oil companies into public landfills and called the Standing Rock people 'out of state protesters in an ad that was immediately pulled so it totally didn't happen. <.< >.> I'm honestly surprised he hasn't already announced that its going to be his favorite crotch-warmer daughter that's going to be VP because he really has very little intention of ever leaving if reinstated and he has very little interest in anyone being next-in-line that isn't hand picked by his dick.
  4. By this argument, you are 100% behind politicians getting between patients and doctors because the politicians are 'elected' but the doctors are merely experts/unelected bureaucrats. You better hope you never need anything medical that someone whose last job was hotel clerk for a Motel 8 decides is merely 'elective' and not really necessary. 'Chevron' put the word of experts in their various fields at the top of the pile. What this decision does is literally allow people who cry about liking beer and people who go on massive vacations paid for by Hitler-collectors and people who think rape isn't real/rape charges ruin perfectly good boys-being-boys to make the ultimate decision over whether or not you should be allowed to have clean air to breath in the next 10 years, whether you should be allowed to make your own medical decisions, and whether you totally asked for it if you were attacked on your way to the store. Congress fails to enact things that will actually help people because massive amounts of those so-called elected officials get massive allowances from those that benefit the most by destroying the most. When you get tons of money and gifts from an oil company, the last thing you are going to ever do on your own is pass anything that says dumping toxic waste in public landfills is wrong. And as long as judge-shopping is allowed and horribly unqualified judges who got their appointments by writing essays about their favorite fast food have jobs, killing Chevron is pretty much killing the world. It's also in the Project 2025 shitsterpiece.
  5. ...and no, this isn't like an innuendo thing. For once anyway. How do you deal with a banana? Do you cut the stem off with a knife and peel it from there? Do you cut it in half and peel from the cut? Do you just order it as an extra at Orange Julius and let them deal with it blender-style? I slash the stem with a fingernail and use the semi-attached stem as a pull-tab for the first peel. However... This topic came to me at lunch today when I saw how one of my co-workers dealt with the banana in her lunch. She smashed the everloving crap out of the end to start a split in the peel midway and then broke pieces off with her bare hands once the 'nanner was exposed. No one else seemed to notice but I felt like I was watching a murder. Discuss!...
  6. Its not that out there when you think about how historically any time some group moves into an area, one of the first things they do is destroy as much of the culture of the place as possible in order to claim their choice of history is the only history remembered. This just happens to be in the realm of historical entertainment/news. When you have a so-called political party that actively redefines any and every word that hurts their fee-fees, passes laws that violate the rights of others because they are 'Others', and encourages banning books wholesale, the thought that all these info-purges are something more than just lazy assholes suddenly thinking their portion of the internet is going to overflow and make a mess on the floor doesn't seem that far fetched.
  7. See, now you are making me kind of want to watch it just for that. I'm guessing that Drumpf's huggies would react just like a ketchup packet when you step on it.
  8. Never say never. If the BoBo-Be-Gone people had rallied enough to pick a single republican contender, she'd be gone and the dem would be facing someone that those voters were already behind. But they shit the bed so now they have three general choices - don't bother to vote at all [ unlikely in a national year ], blindly vote BoBo and claim you just voted republican without naming your real sin, or vote the dem in just to purge the clown. Its easy enough to presume that all dems that vote will vote dem but don't necessary presume that all the republicans that voted in the primary are just going to completely lock-step with a train wreck if they truly want her gone.
  9. If they want money so damn much, why not sell off the property rights to entire collections extra cheap to some of these smaller online sites that specialize in binge watching old crap? Instead, let's just delete the entire history of your company in the hopes of what...repeating that history and pretending it's brand new? And they wonder why illegal downloading sites absolutely flourish.
  10. Unfortunately, I'm guessing that anyone 'conscripted' and sent out to fight on behalf of their Dear Leader's new Dear Friend will go knowing that one or more close family members will be guests of the capital for the duration of their service. Defection is death for someone. Otherwise, yes, I'd expect massive defections of tapeworm-infested NK soldiers who would rather be treated as proper prisoners of war without firing a fatal shot than bravely march against people who did nothing to them except exist to the west of Russia.
  11. Drinking game where you drink every time the orange fraud says a blatant lie. Dead within the first 5 minutes of his first rambling attempt to answer the question 'What is your name?'
  12. In the pre-patriarchal/pre-monotheism societies, multiple 'husbands' was a thing mainly because property was often passed down the matrilineal side of things since that was the obvious parent/bloodline. It didn't matter who the father was because it was the mother that made the choice in the first place. When Angry Mountain War God tribe came storming through and started murdering any tribe they didn't like, they outlawed the old practices which basically meant anything female-in-charge had to be squished immediately. Having a harem of conquered women was acceptable because it was a way of claiming all the property of the conquered area for themselves. It also started the crap about how guys need to spread their seeds far and wide to ensure their personal tribe continues but women aren't worthy of anything but scorn if they aren't pure and property of some dude.
  13. 'I, a husband and a father, sex-messaged a child so badly I got my ass kicked off a platform that regularly shows chicks with balloon tits playing video games and there was a settlement involved. But I'm totally not a pedo or a predator so don't label me one.' Eww.
  14. Never underestimate a cat's ability to know all the things. Kitty is an agent.
  15. Forgive PPPE loans to themselves? YES, we HAVE to vote this through immediately because we shouldn't have to pay back money that we literally just signed over to ourselves. Forgive student loans/at least make them more reasonable to pay back? NO! It will ruin all the things and destroy the world as we know it because people shouldn't just get money for doing nothing! *holds out hand for another raise
  16. Bitchcakes 8.23.09-6.22.24
  17. The king of the republican party is a convicted sex offender and adulterer with a legion of others following him with tastes ranging from they thought they were legal to they asked for it to just outright deny everything including water is wet. I'm waiting for someone to get hit by lightning. The whole area will smell like fries and bacon grease.
  18. Hanging out on the bed watching Metalocalypse season 4 because it has a lot of Toki moments and she likes Toki.
  19. I work tomorrow. I thought I had tomorrow off and worked Saturday but nope, my schedule was changed at some point. Normally having a Saturday off is a sacred thing [ it means two days off in a row usually and a full weekend no less ] but I had plans for tomorrow that really aren't the type that can be put off forever without consequences. Summary - I have a full weekend free and I'm crabby about it.
  20. As long as the question is posed and she can't/won't answer it without seeming to step on her own head in the process, the question remains a Sword of Damocles hanging in the thread.
  21. Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.
  22. A flat tax favors the wealthy because that 13% would only be paid by the poorest of the poor since they wouldn't be able to contest it while the rich would still have all the available loopholes and resources to avoid paying any taxes at all. Consider that the corporate tax was something like 31% on profits and yet most if not all of the biggest of the bigs were technically paying less in taxes than the average middle class individual. After loopholes, there are years in which someone like Amazon paid $0 in taxes despite being massively profitable. It also favors the wealthy because even if they did pay the straight amount, the poor would notice the loss far more. If you only have $100 to your name and it's flat taxed at 13%, you are going to notice that missing $13 even if its 'only' $13. 13% on a million is $130,000 which sounds like a lot when you don't have it but its nothing to someone who already has all their bills taken care of and a paid roof over their head. Yeah, I'm being simplistic on it but it's been a long week. Basically, flat tax isn't the answer. Super gluing shut all the loopholes and treating the rich tax cheats with the same level of venom that the average person expects to receive if they skipped on their filing would be better starts. And yes, treating those tax havens as taxable.
  23. Bitchcakes deciding to hold still for a standing pic before going back to bed. She just had her meds and hand feeding.
  24. If Netanyahu thinks we've been holding things back, maybe we should show him exactly what holding things back actually looks like. They've broken the rules for our providing aid, we are well within our rights to withhold all aid at this time. Maybe give him a consolation box of Band-Aides.
  25. Millions upon millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars were spent so a fat lard could go golfing every week at his own personal resorts. We the taxpayer still get the bills for his 'staycations' due to him charging the shit out of having the Secret Service around and he gets to set the rates without limits. Which would YOU prefer taxpayer funds go towards - attempts to get food and medical supplies into a war zone or a fat lard's new fleet of golf carts with the usual banquet table of Big Macs on stand-by?
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