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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. He'll appeal anything that doesn't name him as an immortal.
  2. Nope. It lives in your stuff now and forever. Bing also has an autobot that answers search questions while links load that may or may not apply. I should start keeping track of all the searches that it decided to answer 'I can't answer this at this time'. I do remember one of them was 'what is the anime where the muscle guy's shirt flies off every time he flexes'.
  3. I pay as little attention to his appearance as possible because he gives bullfrogs a bad name. Squidbillies reference - Early would refer to white people as chalkies and honestly, I can't use that term enough.
  4. And this is the definition of 'snowflake' - seeing someone put up a sign that says bad things about your golden fraud and immediately flipping the nation's flag upside down because the sky is falling. Meanwhile we had people with the same swearing signs/different candidate setting up right in front of a school because mah free-peach!
  5. Naw, you are completely discounting how he'd first rule that revitiligo is a real disease and that he's a victim of it and therefore actually the chalkiest of chalkcausians.
  6. Yep. It's that and/or hope that King Turd falls off a stage at a rally while doing his shake-weight handjob dance and breaks his neck before November. Biden would be four more years and that's absolutely it because of term limits. King Turd has no intention of ever leaving office again and using military might to stay there. I've basically been telling people to vote democrat even if they aren't thrilled by it because at least you can vote a dem out of office the next cycle if they suck. You pretty much need a gallon of RAID and giant tweezers to remove republicans from office when they lose.
  7. Awfully optimistic that SCOTUS will survive the entire dismantling of all the things with all power going to Dictator on Day One that is planned as part of that Project 2025 bullshit. Who needs a supreme court when everything is law according to a 3a thumb-twit.
  8. That limited edition 'blue milk' from Kemps is...kinda chunky. It reminds me of the milk drank by Newcomers on 'Alien Nation'. And it made my coffee a really weird color when I used it as creamer.
  9. More people have access to McD's than the others. Those that live in bigger city areas or very close by might have a ton of options but where I grew up, the closest fast food was about 40 miles away. Discounting KFC and Pizza Hut, there was a McD's and a Hardees. McD's was far more popular and it also had those Happy Meals which encouraged families to spend their money there. Hardees tried the kid thing but it failed.
  10. I've been to four concerts. I was also one of those people who he went out into the audience and gave a silk scarf to. Every Weird Al concert is a better draw than a Dumpster Rally.
  11. I ate too much. Also, today I learned that the lobster tail that looks so massive is just the tail meat cut out of the tail and displayed on top for easier access. I'd feel cheated but I'm trying to figure out which end will relieve the most pressure right now.
  12. Thomas really needs to look directly in a mirror and acknowledge that his fat ass is indeed black and will always be black no matter how much money people who collect Hitler memorabilia are willing to spend on him. And that if he continues to act stupid, he'll be removed from the court - not because he's a f-ing moron that had no right to be on there in the first place but because he'll have happily removed the rights of black people to vote or hold office or be counted as a full person.
  13. Kevin Maginnis. He still ate fries and burgers but he would cut the servings in half because its not just picking the right food, its eating the right portions.
  14. Drumpf Rally! Absolutely! Crowds and crowds of MAGAt Nation! Or...nope. Weird Al concert. Suck it, stinkpot.
  15. Oh yes, please report me to Von Shitzinpants. We'll find out which runs faster - him or that flattened squirrel living on his head.
  16. Females have chesticles. There is a difference.
  17. Well...to be fair, most humans have two testicles so....two threads....one for leftie, one for rightie?
  18. To be quite fair, I was beaten a hell of a lot as a child. And I am still willing to use 'they/them/ just to f with a MAGAt. If you are going to be afraid of pronouns, you probably deserve to get the bitch-smack sampler plate yourself.
  19. But do you want the image of a sentient murkin on your chest?
  20. Welp, guess I'll be making a Red Lobster to-go run Friday after work. Filing doesn't mean 'closing ASAP', it's usually just a means of holding off creditors while the business attempts to refigure things out. But I'm not taking any chances, I want an overpriced rubber biscuit tail.
  21. <.< >.> King Charles : A Period Piece
  22. Finger painting is serious business! It has a passion to it, damnit! I'm still sticking with he thought it was a tasteful re-do of that 'American Beauty' poster with himself as the cheerleader surrounded by whitish rose petal splotches.
  23. My vote is he is color-blind. I'm having issues fully seeing it because of all the reds going on. When my color-sight starts to blink out, red goes first and tends to turn white. He might not see an absolute bloody abortion on the canvas, he might be seeing shades of white with pinks and greys for all we know.
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