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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Yes, I was referring to the guy that gets actual rl attention for being a dumbass and not any of the usual suspects around here that normally barely rate the daily scan.
  2. I don't have such a thing but this was the first thing I played at full volume after I found a new job after being laid off from a previous job I had put 6.5 years into. Screw the old, in with the new type attitude.
  3. I guess we learned of one place where he-who-should-not-be-named-in-case-he-tries-to-sign-up-here-again was able to register...
  4. The trolley problem is solved by moving the switch to the halfway point, causing the trolley to derail. There. I just saved you 2 boobless hours.
  5. I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say might not be racist at all. At my high school, the first people to disappear if there was need for a meeting were the principal and the superintendent. Neither one of them wanted to deal with bullying or other abuses so if a meeting was scheduled to actually do something about the assholes running around, they'd suddenly be gone for the day things were scheduled. So since we are talking about a daughter, its possible she was dealing with shit and this Briggs person was supposed to do something but decided they didn't wanna. The last thing the dad wants is for the guy who failed his daughter to take any credit for her graduating. And yes, I could be wrong.
  6. My aim isn't good enough to ensure a proper pissening without being in direct sweeping range of a half-asleep rage swatter.
  7. Ron Ziegler as acting press secretary literally pointed out that he couldn't say anything at that time, he just took the scenic route to that exact statement. 'No comment' wasn't flowery enough. Dumpster isn't able to stay on topic if that topic isn't how great he is and how he has all these powerful enemies constantly out to get him [ most recent likely enemy is the guy at the closest McD's that didn't give him a food bag of fries when he ordered the large ] . He didn't even take the scenic route because Ukraine is on his deep state shit list, everyone knows it, he's on the record as telling Russia to go for it. Since he couldn't answer like that, he rambled until he ran out of related words.
  8. It's called a share, share with me!
  9. Yeah, those Bud Light Pride cans that were only commercials on like TikTok or Instagram or something super niche like that that chapped the All-American thin-skinned teeny-weenies for existing. Once again, they can dump him. Chances are they are known well enough to survive not advertising on his programs but his dumb ass won't be able to keep the lights on if he ends up filling air space for extra cheap with things like Betty Crocker cake pans, Doggy Steps, and other great wonders of light-night As Seen On TV commercials.
  10. Then they can stop advertising on those shows. When it starts to hurt the wallet, things either change or circle the drain.
  11. Which is very convenient when it's some orange lard who votes from a golf course that gets a tax write-off for being a golf course and not a residence. I think plenty of people knew what kind of con man he was back in 2016 just from his perpetual bankruptcies but really didn't care. And we already have plenty of people who mysteriously can't remember anything that happened from 2016-2020 especially negative that might reflect poorly on their current voting choice. Hell, I heard someone claiming that the Covid pandemic started under Obama and they were absolutely serious about it. The problem with Hillary is that there were plenty of haters back in the 90's when she was the First Lady that were happily hating away until the 2016 election. 20 years of nursing personal conspiracies and general misogyny led to plenty of people prepped to spread the worst of anything as 'facts' in the election lead-up. The e-mail server stuff was just slightly more serious than Hunter Biden's laptop full of dick pics merely because it did have communications on it that should have had a second pair of impersonal eyes monitoring it; but when you consider that plenty of the same people who wanted her publicly lynched for it were also using their private computers for government communications and the entire Drumpf clan continued to use personal items for so-called government business [ Drumpf especially was well known for refusing to use the encrypted WH cell phone because he liked his personal, easily compromised phone better ], it's literally just dick pics all over again. I'm looking forward to seeing if any of the political ads that seem to be running constantly around here start to skip mentioning their personal loyalty pledges to the golden fraud at every opportunity in order to separate themselves from being totally tied to the felony news. I'm also wondering if anyone is going to call him out for restarting the George Soros whistling when that sort of crap has been pulled back during the whole Palestinian genocide things going on.
  12. Unfortunately, that similar thinking was going on back in 2016 and we all unfortunately saw how that turned out. There's always going to be those who will gladly vote for the thing that sets the world on fire just so they can feel important and be entertained. So it's not a given that this year's vote is a toss-away and the republican party is basically chained to this particular albatross so he's going to be their nominee no matter what he says or does. I'm still encouraging everyone to vote. I do admit to being vaguely entertained by the thought that as a felon, he will not be able to vote in the Presidential election without DeSatan sending out the goon squad to arrest him for illegally voting. If he doesn't, all those other people who got busted for voting as felons will be able to turn around and sue the ever-loving crap out of Florida and DeSatan.
  13. Honestly, they can't do shit to you as a 'customer' unless you are in there actively being a real horrible. And even then, they could only kick you out in most areas. And if they were stealing hours from you, they were either doing it to everyone [ massive fraud ] or deliberately choosing victims to steal from [ discriminatory fraud ]. Either way, since it sounds like an actual investigation is being launched, someone is shitting themselves bald right not and its very likely one or more of the people that you wouldn't mind sharting their last follicle away.
  14. Yeah, its beyond well known that he either drags the crap out of things hoping everyone else gets bored/goes broke trying to dig him out of whatever hole he's wedged himself into or appeals anything that doesn't make him happy. RInse, repeat. And like every other trash creature that gets busted bigly on something, look forward to a sudden 'deterioration' that means he totally can't go to jail for even a single day. But for plenty, it's still 34 felony-level guilties that will continue to follow his dumb ass for the rest of his life regardless of appeal. And considering that he's already running around claiming that he wasn't even allowed to have witnesses because everyone was biased against him [ his crack team of the very best of soon to be stiffed lawyers called two and that was all they seemed to care to call so suck it up, buttercup ] and wasn't allowed to take the stand in his own defense [ he was likely talked out of that by his own team because he can't stay on topic without turning into a screaming child ], I look forward to any appeal being tossed on the grounds that he picked his team and if they failed him, tough.
  15. Meh, don't feel too bad. Unless you actually suffer from any sort of seizure or movement issues, you'll never know if something posted will cause issues. I even busted Luvv once on the old boards for an overly active banner. It happens. When in doubt, treat it like toaster oven pork chops and spoiler with a warning.
  16. Sell the stuff they send? Just kidding, the stuff they are sending is probably ethernetted directly to them so they can follow along on all the things you do on their property, including e-mail and internet searches. So having a separate nice computer for all your personal things is still the way to go.
  17. @PhilosipherStoned - just being public about it, you did nothing wrong because it wasn't intentional. I spoilered your gif because it was hitting that seizure alert border for me which means it might be too much for active sufferers.
  18. I think they know better than to leave him alone with any condiments. He was forced to throw what he had on hand. Sadly no such real link at this time. But since he's well known for throwing splattery things at walls during his many tantrums, my guess that he immediately pulled off his pampers and started smearing the walls might be more real than Onion.
  19. The average hourly wage of a Secret Service agent is ~$48. An HOUR. Move his ass up here, pitch him in the jail nearby and I'll sit outside his solitary confinement for that. I'll even bring a bag of McD's and a battery fan for entertainment.
  20. Who wants to start a drinking game for every time he says 'rigged'?
  21. I have NBC on in the background right now watching random snips. They had some dude melting down on camera carrying a sign that read 'Free Father Teresa'. And I couldn't help but wonder if he knew what a wad Mother Teresa technically was, would he still wave that sign? Probably.
  22. The room he's been put in is covered in literal shit right now...
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