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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. A thousand times thank you for keeping up on this and keeping us up on this. I'm really glad that someone in the family was finally able to call and let people know what is going on amongst all this sudden crap. A weight has lifted slightly knowing that he is being taken care of. I wish I was able to attend but I'm a couple states away, don't drive, and all my current travel thingies were scheduled and paid for months in advance. I'll see about wiring flowers out next week if possible.
  2. Honestly, maybe two weeks maximum and that's only if you don't see grey or green alien shits growing on the inside of the lid or smell anything Not Pasta Saucy when you open it. I usually try to finish it within a week though. Food poisoning isn't the greatest thing to have.
  3. Just remember. I drink coffee for your protection. Not mine.
  4. The only way that happens is if zeni falls asleep outside the humane society
  5. Have you read that book? It's like zeni's life story with the slight embellishment of a girlfriend.
  6. Blow it out your ass, roach. You don't even drink coffee because it's too hot for the nipple on your ba-ba. Coffee slows the tumor growths, the sugar is needed to keep my blood sugar levels above 75. Caramel machiatto fits both those requirements and is simple compared to everything else on the menu. Educate yourself.
  7. I didn't say it was his religion. You don't have to be the same thing your family was once you are an adult and on your own. But his sisters might follow something rather sterile in nature and they are the ones who made this call. I'm personally in agreement with you that Luuv would have probably loved the idea of a raging Irish-level wake, a celebration of a life in texts and bansticks. And it does feel like an insult. I can only hope that they make a few phone calls to those who have left their numbers with the funeral directors once they've had time to consider that all these people calling were doing so because they cared about their friend passing, not that they want to pry into whatever the past holds.
  8. Sometimes the worst thing you ever have to deal with is a thing called 'family' . You are stuck with them until child protection either removes you or you can run like hell away on your own. And sometimes even then you end up having to deal with them all over again later in life. In adding on to what dane already said about not knowing everything, I feel like pointing out that there are some religious sects that don't believe in having actual funerals anyway. While there are several people in here that aren't at all amused by how his sisters have handled things despite numerous inquiries into things [i'm definitely not] , there is that small possibility that cremation with no ceremony is a religious choice and not the insult that it certainly feels like. Still sucks. Still hurts. Still empty.
  9. Pardon me but you are going to stand there while I order my grande iced caramel machiatto, no water, half skim milk, half whole milk, a splash of half and half, double whipped, 1 sugar, no splenda, half a packet of pure sugar, no Sweet N Low, into a coffee cup with no sleeves and like it. Actually I tend to stick to a simple caramel machiatto on hot days if I'm at B&N or Dunn's Bros. Most mornings lately I just get Kona at the gas station near work. I don't do long and obnoxious orders at speciality places because that's just sad. I'm supposed to limit my coffee consumption so the machine here has been replaced with a French press and it's a pain to bother with.
  10. Con is next weekend. It looks like my Sunday costume is going to be mostly spandex with exposed cleavage because the humidity may have severely slowed the prosthetics process. I need three complete sets and so far I've only got two in proper process. #First World Nerd Problems
  11. Yes, it's possible. There are whole sites and youtube tutorials on how to travel and survive in foreign countries for cheap.
  12. Check 'em before you wreck 'em. Have to get them spandex ready.
  13. The re-airing of Teen Titans is a sort of experiment in bringing back some of the old to see how well they do with a 'newer' audience as well as a tie-in to the current build-up to the Justice League movie. This doesn't mean that there's any push for a Teen Titan type movie although there is the possibility of cameos of said characters in the JL movie.
  14. Dude, there's been Christmas shit to varying degrees on the actual floor at my store since June. We have Christmas trees up already and we haven't even got the Halloween stuff shipped to us yet.
  15. Meh. I'm all about the Halloween. Enough families have moved in this year that I might actually see trick-or-treaters for the first time in at least 10 years. Unless they are all the types who drag their kids to 'Harvest Festivals' held in locked churches. But I am seriously considering doing the same thing this year for Thanksgiving as I did last year since it actually turned out - buttery bread rolls, stuffing, roast duck, chocolate mousse for desert and peach cider to wash it all down.
  16. It's what I call her when she's being super obnoxious. She just spent half an hour in the hallway head butting my backpack because she could smell Petco on it. Finally gave up and gave her her birthday can of mushy treats that was in there. Some cats are just massive shedders. My last kitty was a long hair who could power-shed at a moment's notice so I would take her to the groomers in the summer to get shaved. The current one is a short hair and only sheds super noticeably when she's stressed. Like when I brought out the suitcase the other day - she's in a shedding mood and will continue to do so and be miserable for the next two weeks until the suitcase goes back in the corner.
  17. You aren't immune to getting your ass banned again. And the next time it'll be as permanent as possible. You don't suddenly have immunity now. So knock off the shithead needling. Go sit in a corner and try to make friends with your ass hairs. They'll at least never leave you.
  18. Over half my wardrobe is black. Laundry is a breeze. And I don't have much of a problem with cat fuzz to be honest. Bitchcakes tends to fur the most in the laundry basket on the dirty clothes so it's all good. I'm more likely to find my own frickin' bleached hair on my shirts.
  19. If you are going to engage in wet work, you better be willing to get your hands wet.
  20. Black. You can spill almost anything on it and it won't look dirty. Even blood!
  21. Are you saying that even the sun has to blink when confronted with that black hole?
  22. What do you think really caused the eclipse yesterday? :catlol :catlol :catlol
  23. Wolves love me. http://s275.photobucket.com/user/katt_goddess/media/chowtime.jpg.html?sort=3&o=42 I wish I had pics of the cougar though.
  24. Wonderful. Another zombie. Keep your butt worms to yourself. One dispensary around here is more than enough.
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