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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. You and the Weather Channel are obviously not taking into account fugg's personal gravitational well. It's called 'science' .
  2. Congratulations! Now you have a reason for all the supplies you thought you wasted your money on for Irma and can laugh at all the people going nuts trying to get stuff now.
  3. Is that car smiling? It looks like it took a dump in the closet and now it's proud of it.
  4. If you leave the bathroom with a feeling that a weight has been lifted and everything seems brighter somehow, then yes. :D And I'm frickin' Swedish. Except for a short period of time where I had to drop all caffeine because of the types of meds I was on [drinking coffee then was like being stabbed in the stomach repeatedly with knife dipped in tabasco] I've been living la vida java since I was 5.
  5. All my books are banned! Not really but a lot of them would probably be tossed on some fundie's bonfire because the words make their little heads hurt. Also 'And Tango Makes Three' .
  6. Now begins kitty's training to be a super ninja where even a bell won't save you. :catmad
  7. The secret of KFC revealed! It's rabies.
  8. I need sugars. Now I'm craving cotton candy. Watermelon flavored. Sadly, that also destroys toilets. >
  9. Why not? At least I'm being honest about the most likely outcome of eating a metric ton of frostings.
  10. Shit List https://funnyshit.com.au/shitlist.htm
  11. It better be delicious slightly chewy chocolate chip cookie with a metric ton of frostings on it. And the frosting should be like neon blue or something. I feel like destroying a toilet.
  12. Like any sword I'd own would be 'short' .
  13. No, that neon orange gel pen was unreadable. Purple is just middle schooler "I still read 'Sweet Valley High' tee-hee" . <.< >.> ::spin:: >
  14. North Dakota. I laugh at your horrible almost could have been storm-ravaged Nebraska as I sip my frappe.
  15. It's rampager. So he probably is on the toilet. >.<
  16. This thread is mine now.
  17. But only the gorilla is getting it's money-worth.
  18. I'd call your bluff on that statement. But I don't wanna see that either. Any of it. :barf:
  19. I call shenanigans. Pretty sure if she showed up wearing a cheerleader outfit, you wouldn't care what team colors the pom poms are.
  20. Hell yeah! Right down to the tiger stripes! And still NOT showing my face. >
  21. I have a whole pile of crap that needs to be hand washed from my trip. It's all sitting in a pile on top of the bathroom wastebasket. Instead, I took a nap and watched a 'Live : PD' marathon.
  22. What Rogue and you do in the privacy of his dungeon should stay in his dungeon. While the Sesshomaru wall scroll silently weeps because he can't blink or look away.
  23. http://s275.photobucket.com/user/katt_goddess/media/BumpMaster%20Photoshop/hamidpimp.jpg.html?sort=3&o=7 [Yeah, yeah, I hate photobucket too.]
  24. Probably taxes. With a non-profit, all money made in a raffle is assumed to be going towards a particular cause and not in any one person's pocket. Since it's going out, it doesn't require being taxed because that would take money away from whatever the cause is. With a for profit type raffle, it's money going into someone's pocket where it will wait patiently until that person can get to the store and buy their chips, dips, beer, cigs and lotto tickets. That requires being taxed as it's technically income at that point even if it's only a one time event for that particular person. As most raffles consist of donated items, a raffle can be 100% profit given the proper venue. Non-profits tend to be registered as such and would be known to the community they are raffling in / for. Individuals aren't registered and neither the quality of the items for raffle nor the raffle itself can necessarily be vouched for.
  25. I'd rather dress like a pimp and own my bike. Rebel rebel.
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