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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Your life is done once the shopkins take over. >.< The oldest niecelette has those things as one of her must-have obsessions currently. There's supposed to be a live action type concert in my area at some point this year and I'm really hoping she doesn't hear about it or I'll get home from work to find her living on my doorstep for the weekend. Probably dressed as a shopkin. At least the dollar store carries them occasionally.
  2. You don't know what immortality is. Humble yourself before fugg's massive poo.
  3. Pretty sure it was that exact sprouted shit that caused the Salem trials. Do you feel the urge to accuse your neighbors of dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight?
  4. Top Ramen is the cheapest version of name brand ramen possible. Pringles made a Chicken Ramen flavored chip.
  5. My guts just made that clenching feels. I have Top Ramen-induced PTSD. :barf:
  6. It just walked right out all on it's own too.
  7. People pay out the ass to get kicked in the ass by someone wearing high heels. > Undecided currently. I need to look at some things first.
  8. Uh oh, sounds like old age is sneaking up on you. Then again, you have said you are taking medications. Some medications can cause a 'lazy' tongue. Not enough to be an actual worrying issue but just enough to occasionally be annoying like lost whistle blasting.
  9. Yep, you heard it here. Smart kids are considered dangerous to the church. I feel like meeting this dude in a parking lot somewhere so he can find out what it feels like to be hit by a girl.
  10. O.< Nevermind. I'll be washing my hair tomorrow.
  11. You say that like we aren't all cartoons of ourselves trapped in an unforgiving world.
  12. You asked a question on a message board. Don't blame me if you needed your kid to read the answer to you.
  13. If you aren't scheduled to work that day, then you can't be held accountable for not being there. But if you are now scheduled for that last day, then go to that last day. You aren't being fired, you are being laid off which means until you do something stupid, you are still considered an employee in good stead. Leaving in good stead in this situation keeps your name in their phone book if things turn around and they need to get employees back.
  14. Urban farming is a thing now. Once your neighbor realizes that a chicken normally doesn't just lay eggs unless there's a rooster around, he'll get more.
  15. They kept cooking the pork long past any possible edibility. Even if it was kept warm, past a certain point that warmth would have only added to the decomposition going on. Pork is one of those meats you can't play with because it really likes it's diseases. I would think the bigger issue with that episode is why Snot would be interested in eating pork products since he's Jewish.
  16. That will probably take awhile for the both of us
  17. I am 'patiently' waiting for the days to actually get cool enough to crack out the crock pot and start making beef stew and chicken-in-a-pot to freeze for winter. I'll have whole weekends where that thing will be bubbling away on the counter and making everything smell like edible foods.
  18. We've replaced buddy's 'Crunch n Munch' with 'Fiddle Faddle' . Let's see if he notices the difference. Spoiler alert
  19. Yay! Winner winner reheated chicken dinner! It's a safe bet that I won't be ravaging your library shelves any time soon. I travel out of state like once a year currently and that's to Atlanta and back.
  20. Even the Amish teach their kids about the cornhole eventually. Maybe when you turn 13.
  21. You aren't doing it right then. Corn on the cob is easier to grill if you jam a chopstick up it's cornhole. Gives you something to grab that won't melt in the grill heat.
  22. I thought you were past the point of caring? I haz to do maths to figure out my age. I'm done with it.
  23. British Columbia. They tend to film a lot of tv series and movies there. Besides, I've heard bad things about the south of France. There's a song about it and everything.
  24. 'Happy Birthday' . The only people that song officially offends are like Jehovah's Witnesses and maybe the Amish. Occasionally middle aged housewives too.
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