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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey. Fantasy series [there's a butt-ton of Heralds of Valdemar books]. Young adult although I've heard some people bitch about some of the content being 'too adult' . The main character finds out he's shay along with a whole bunch of other things that just sort of avalanche through to the final book in the trilogy. Herald novels usually have a shay in them somewhere [although you might not know until a few books down the road] because in Valdemar, most people don't give a crap about the gender of your partner as long as you can do your job. There's even a job group within one of the lost vales that is specifically same-sexed only healers. They do fall under my 'brain candy' list though to be fair. Fun and enjoyable reads, I usually use them as brain floss between thicker type reads.
  2. I would but I don't have a private jet or teleporter to get there.
  3. Nope, it means I'm so tired that I'm just clicking things on autopilot even though my mind is screaming 'wut????'
  4. I read that as 'g-string' . I still clicked. Yep, it's officially time to go take a nap. -.-;
  5. Valentia oranges in a sock. They hurt like hell and don't leave a bruise. Thanks, Family Guy. edit - and I know it's a lyric from a Crapmas carol but it's also a horrible phrase for oral. Hence, my childish snigger fit when I saw it.
  6. Also, found it : http://www.hobbylobby.com/Seasonal/Christmas/Christmas-Wall-Decor/Fall-On-Your-Knees-Wood-Wall-Decor/p/80833716 There's also a pillow with the same design but I can't find that on their website.
  7. So offensive that she cries herself to sleep at night in cotton underwear, cotton nightshirt, and on cotton pillowcases and sheets.
  8. Dude, I'm still going out to the dumpster in shorts and a tank top when it's in the 30's. It's not officially winter around here until it's hit -60'F at least once.
  9. Yeah, I saw this story last week. I've seen the cotton stalks in question and quite honestly just found them fascinating. Not many people even know what cotton looks like raw or that it was painfully picked by hand [by black slaves -and- Native American slaves -and- the white poor] so those décor bits might be the first time some people have ever had that chance. Considering there are people who think food comes from a store and not a farm, this should be a learning moment. Now if you REALLY want something to either complain about like a fussy bastard or buy for the absolutely horrible lols, Hobby Lobby has little wall thingies as well as pillows in their Crapmas section that say 'Fall On Your Knees'. When even I get the wrongness of it, you know it's good. :D
  10. It's in the 50's here. So refreshing.
  11. Oh, your colon would speak to you. I think there's whole section in the Book of Revelations on exactly how it would speak. :D
  12. Honestly, just a wall with some random postcards, a couple of posters and a couple of autographed glossies poster puttied up. I should really try setting up the mobile webcam on this thing and see if it'll fight with the embedded one or give me options.
  13. She doesn't appear to enjoy much of anything. That's why she's always searching for something else to do within 6 months of starting anything.
  14. Red carded = busted for underaged persons or not carding / following allowed entrance procedures.
  15. Getting carded is entertainment on a stick at my age. I need a quick pick-me-up without going to the bookstore, I can always go and pick up a can of aerosol whipped cream for my coffee - instant card alert at the register. And it's expected for any number of items that have age requirements [ex. in North Dakota, you technically have to be 18+ to buy spray paint and I believe the minimum age for rocket engines is 14 or 16] .
  16. One word. Vista. Windows 10 irritates the crap out of me some times but at least it doesn't appear to fight with everything I own. It did, however, screw up my scanner which no longer scans in color because it's too old for any online fixes that will function with Windows 10. -.-;
  17. I only need 1! The recorder makes up for the other 71.
  18. Meh. Like I don't already have one of those!
  19. Don't forget to get me something! An otamatone might be nice and annoying.
  20. This is what happens when you watch all that kickboxing porns. Cracked monitor.
  21. Slowly the transformation begins. And then everyone else gets out the cans of Raid and flyswatters.
  22. HAHHAHAHAHAA. Not quite. You'll have like one face hair, your voice will crack every other day, and you'll have zits. For eternity.
  23. Dude. You are so much crap right now. She might age you to 13 now. ::spin::
  24. Eggnog is a year round treat! Your cellulites demand it! It probably has pumpkin spice in it. :barf:
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