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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. I think someone kissing 60 as hard as she is looks like she might be there to either cause trouble or get so plastered as to be trouble when showing up looking like that without the proper ID. That's a trouble alert right there. She's old enough to know better and by her own admission, she's had ID issues in the past. I have trouble with the whole package. She's like my mom who still seems to think that she can wear mini skirts as long as she tucks her boobs in the waistband first.
  2. Damn. I thought my nerd corner was a bit excessive. Teach me your ways of Otaku Crap Fu.
  3. Dreads, when done properly, are a solid way to deal with hair that may be difficult to deal with otherwise. Her dreads are clean, straight and maintained. I should also point out that lots of people multi-braid their hair for other purposes. That used to be a big thing to do in my high school if you were in sports because it kept your hair off your face and allowed better air flow around your face and neck so you wouldn't overheat.
  4. When an obvious granny shows up looking like a dog's ratty chew toy dipped in purple Kool-Aid to a hip-hop club, it's very normal to check proper ID to ensure that Granny Party Hard isn't there to cause problems. And quite frankly, she should be happy to be carded at her age.
  5. She gained a bunch of weight and then lost most of it so I know she's currently doing weight watchers commercials. She was also on an episode of 'Law & Order : SVU' as the 'hot teacher' if that's adult enough for you. Plus, while a return to Westbridge with a grown-up Sabrina that most of us might remember would be fun, it's not going to happen now. There's a Riverdale-related special that's just been given green light for Sabrina the Teenage Witch which may or may not lead to it's own series depending on ratings and reception. http://www.msn.com/en-nz/entertainment/tv/sabrina-the-teenage-witch-is-getting-a-dark-riverdale-style-reboot/ar-AAshs09
  6. That's when you know you can buy the good stuff. And hell, some of my decorations never get put away. I've had a broom flying from my ceiling since 2002 - I just toss an ornament over it's end for winter holidays. But I do sometimes move Toothless George to the living room window along with a couple of candelabras for Halloween.
  7. I dusted and rearranged two sections of books here at least. Fall cleaning / spider hunting begins now. All books from all shelves are removed, one shelf at a time, dusted and any little monster trying to hibernate behind the shelves destroyed with extreme prejudice. I just have to try to keep myself from stopping to read something and getting lost in a book instead of dusting.
  8. Like only places you can get to in your area or if the laws of time and space suddenly ceased to function and you could literally eat at anywhere on the planet [within reason] provided that you'd been there before at least once? If only around here, a toss up between Drunken Noodle and Giant Panda. Drunken Noodle has the best grilled eel I've managed to taste so far and Giant Panda is my go-to for being all fancy feast because their seafood delight [even without lobster bits...I miss the lobster bits but cost cuts] is awesome and they always fill the take-out tray to overflowing when I order so it's like three meals. If it's anywhere, I wouldn't be opposed to raiding the sushi bar at Yami Yami in the Peachtree Center Mall Atlanta.
  9. Waffles. I don't have any of the stuff you're working with but I know I haven't had waffles in years.
  10. His spending all those years on the [asmb] spamming it to death just because he felt like it weren't 'cool' . His harassing people on dating sites to the point where he's a ban on sight candidate weren't 'cool' . And his deliberately burying all the threads posted that last day when everyone who could was coming in one last time to say good-bye to the boards and share their best memories was definitely not 'cool' . Even bucket on his worst days has never shown up in a funeral thread and been a shithead. Zeni the roach is one and now his name automatically shows that to anyone who can see those images. So honestly? Boo hoo to you if you think he's being picked on. He's finally dealing with a very tiny consequence for his own retarded actions. If it hurts his tiny brain so much, there's always a poop-free name on Twitter. Except that would mean his bullshit would be public and might result in even more consequences in the real world for him.
  11. They already have cat emojis. He has a shit by his name and his posting is limited now because of his own shit. Dale with it.
  12. Nope. He's been materializing that poo by his name for years. It's his personal shit-baby and he gets to own it for life.
  13. Don't drop the soap.
  14. It was Phillies. Hence the 'leek' quote.
  15. But he's got his k-bar and Ken doll accessories strapped to his leg! And he's standing on the blow end of his biggest fan! And he's been on Dr. Phil catfishing episodes!
  16. You put it in mine! I need an adult. :::
  17. Sounds like a plan. I'm going with Pizza Butt myself. Once it shows up, I'm heading to the bedroom and tossing a movie on the DVD for the evening.
  18. Just give me my gotdamned Flintstones chewables with extra grape Dinos and get out of my way.
  19. If it's a link that I recognize and I have the time for it, I'll click because I read everything. If it's a link posted in a tiny chat, I won't touch it because it's probably porn.
  20. No thanks. I've got my own.
  21. I frickin' love that this, of all possible things ever, is the full reason you decided to post this particular thread. Not just bored, you were also watching a show or documentary. About abortions. > 0. Zilch. Nada-de-squada.
  22. The dink brought a gun and a knife to a robbery and got his ass handed to him by a grey-hair. His parents should throw the guy that beat up their son a ticker tape parade for apparently doing what they should have done a long time ago - teach him that stupid can hurt. I'm also wondering if that was just a dead mask or if it was one of those with the voice changer attached.
  23. That there's a Shit Wizard, Harry.
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