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Juice McKenzie

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Everything posted by Juice McKenzie

  1. you have pretty eyes
  2. i hate having crushes. they suck. i have one now. it eats away at me
  3. Death is not mercurial. It's patient... unlike life
  4. one time i looked out my apartment window that faced the woods and saw a deer taking a dump
  5. yeah the ocean is scary as hell
  6. i dont understand why humans like half the shit they do
  7. i once had a chipmunk run up my arm when it was being chased by a cat i walked it a few yards away and it looked at me and i knelt over and let it down and it scampered off
  8. i guess
  9. i had my dick in a girl's butt for maybe 35 seconds does that still make me a virgin?
  10. i can only sleep on my back or sides
  11. yeah ive had those too i dont know where they hatched from to eliminate them
  12. someone at work calls me "daddy long dick"
  13. i buy one and try to keep it for as long as i can i would still be using my 4s if i didnt bogg it down with all those updates
  14. its kind of amazing to see what we can do with technology today and also kind of depressing
  15. I just play apex and when im not playing that, i juggle between three mobile games, two of which are card games
  16. I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder if I just do the things I think I like because it's the only thing I have and not because I enjoy them. I don't feel any joy doing these things they mostly just piss me off.
  17. He's one of my favorites. I find him adorable and have a plush of him.
  18. that's not going to stop me from eating meat
  19. im 98% sure i was a nightmare for my mom during the years i was dragged along shopping with her
  20. The pope doesn't diddle kids, the priests do. Stupid people
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