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Juice McKenzie

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Everything posted by Juice McKenzie

  1. i only drink coffee at work it tastes like ass
  2. that's fine because i hate soviet russia as well
  3. well, i generally feel that way most of the time usually it will just pass like a fart in the wind
  4. i would never put money into a swear jar swearing is how i emote
  5. oh shit balls
  6. Jordan Peele was hilarious on Mad Tv Who knew he could also direct?
  7. Number one, Winter Soldier hands down.
  8. Hero's: Spiderman Captain America Iron Man Black Panther Scarlet Witch Ant Man Winter Soldier Drax Rocket Star Lord Villian's: Ultron Winter Soldier Clau Vulture Ebony Maw Thanos
  9. I'd just leave it if I couldn't try to unclog it myself.
  10. Semi off topic, there's a Dragonball Super card game I'm playing and I'm waiting for them to make a deck based around 21. They could easily do it as they've already used video game characters and even made cards unique to the card game.
  11. krillin has done a hell of a lot more than yamcha plus he has a hot android wife
  12. i wish i went to a store with a duck in it
  13. burn it on a pyre while this plays in the background
  14. Are you telling me you wouldn't want to see Godzilla plow the ever loving shit out of Mothra? Is that what you're telling me?
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