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Everything posted by Opium

  1. He did. I remember he constantly spammed Babbling and IB with empty quotes to up his post count. He lost the main in a matter of months, though.
  2. Golden years were whenever westpark attained Order of the Owl. Golden years in general was when I was 8 years old making custom levels in Tenchu 2 with my neighbors from Puerto Rico.
  3. His name reminds me of the men and women of the Postal Service, and they're all named Malone and they all fell asleep in a daycare and the children drew on them.
  4. You in Texas? I feel like I remember you saying you were years back, but I could be mistaken.
  5. I feel like I would have been shaken if I was the one causing the collision, probably as a result of my aversion to responsibility.
  6. Is the topic really that hard to understand? Not sure how anyone could be confused by it.
  7. I eat ass instead.
  8. When a car hits the side of another car: T-bone When they hit the brakes: Didn't happen When OP posts: Alive Point: Numb. But also grateful You: Send nudes
  9. The light turned green and I accelerated as I was supposed to. A van on the left came to a screeching halt as I passed, and I didn't really feel anything. I thought I'd be more shaken up from an event like that, being so close to a likely fatal collision. There wasn't even any adrenaline, just my Spotify; the calming nylon pickings of Mark Kozelek, some leftover thoughts on my time in New Mexico these past few days, and the lingering dread of having to integrate back into a barely functioning adult life. I also thought about how the driver would have been charged with manslaughter and how his life would spiral. Then I realized this thought stemmed from the mild frustration at him for almost wrecking this physical shell and quelled it because it was an irrational mental response to what actually amounted to nothing. Unless I'm actually dead and this is a dream. In which case I will you to send nudes.
  10. Love the series. I started with Yakuza 1 on PS2 back in 2005 but stopped playing the franchise up until 0 came out, so I'm far behind on the series but hard for it nonetheless. Currently trying to defeat Mahjong in 0 for the 100% before I get Yakuza 6. I'm also most excited for Kiwami 2, as I've heard they have a firmer grasp on the Dragon Engine in that one - plus I've read that Yakuza 2 is one of, if not the, best entries in the series.
  11. Was hoping this was a topic about banging mother-in-laws.
  12. Only board game I play is the one where a 2x4 lands across your daddy’s back
  13. Stfu you drunk fascist ass tit just because i killed in the past doesn’t mean i agree with the methodology in 2018. Look at my twitter and tell me Im not a hero
  14. I used to eat ass every week. Same girl, mind you — she had a great ass. Not big, not small. Perfectly rotund. And she enjoyed anal too, which is alien for females. But that’s the past. The girl I’m with now, bless her heart, dislikes anal greatly and shows it by not shaving around the hole. She’s a sweetheart though so I stick around.
  15. When people don’t agree with my tastes I remind them that during the colonial period people were executed for lesser offenses and that they should consider who I was in a past life as a colonial captain who mudered several hundred indigenous over a needledrop review
  16. (me after getting schwasted on tequila and jerk my dick even tho it’s numb)
  17. Sometimes I feel disgusted, but I think that’s mostly due to the primal, visceral nature of sex. The smell of it when you’re not aroused, I think, can be nauseating. There’s also a small opening of awkwardness when it’s done. What can you properly say to someone who has your jizz resting on their stomach? Besides how it looks great on them
  18. Looks like a dick makin a tent in some boxer shorts
  19. Just wait until you’re dead, dude.
  20. As long as YouTube exists so will your name.
  21. You tell me he’s my brother and yet I’ve been here wanting to kiss his mouth all along. Though now that you mention it his reference to homelessness/vagabondry does match that time when Musket went to Cali and was banging strippers or some shit. Come here Jizzy, I gotta give you a kissy
  22. I don't think it's Musket either. Musket's sentences flowed better than this person's -- less periods and more grammatical sense. Musket also didn't try this hard to be literary. In fact, I don't recall him ever trying to be poetic. But maybe he's changed. Maybe it be the doo you say et tis.
  23. I mean did you actually think it takes an immediate effect? As with generally everything, it takes time. It also isn't a cure, so there's that. It's just a means in which to alleviate symptoms and promote mindfulness.
  24. Take that vagina and toss it over the Golden Gate.
  25. I only watched anime through Toonami/Adult Swim back in the day. Since then I've avoided it, though I did watch Devilman Crybaby on Netflix because I heard it was batshit.
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