It's not hard to yank your nipple twice a day for a year with pliers in order to extend length, nor is it out of the ordinary to do so. In fact, it's customary to insert your nipple inside your butthole in many monasteries across China -- they believe that the exact measurement of butthole-nipple ratio is no coincidence and is an ancient practice that dates back to Confucius, promoting a healthy chi and also helping with the production of both breast milk and colon health.
Listen, bruh, you may have a big Gundam-cum-drum in that hot pocket but don't take me for one of them easy bitches ya can just slap 'round willy nilly. If we doing this then we're going full henshin-a-go-blow, baby
If you're wanting a retro experience and don't mind the chibi-style mobile graphics then Mana is okay. Otherwise I'd ignore it.
But Yakuza 0? Buy that shit. If I had the memory to compile a best of 2017 list it'd probably be in first.
Not this exact cut, maybe -- but possibly from a different edit. There is, after all, three hours of material to work with.
But I get what you're saying. I was just adding that the movie has incredible cinematography and that goes a long way
Recently finished Shadow of the Colossus on PS4. Have since been dividing time between the Secret of Mana remake and Yakuza 0 -- which I'm hoping to complete along with Kiwami before Song of Life comes out.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus -- Made it to the end and got fed up with how clunky the shooting could be, along with the difficulty spikes and map layout. I was also constantly frustrated by not being able to climb things that were shorter than my character, like a box.
Gravity Rush 2 -- Didn't really make it to the end; was more like halfway but this one tanked with me due to tedious mission parameters. Being mission failed over flying two inches away from the objective fueled some real hate. Also the side quests were incredibly dull.
There's more but I can't really recall them at the moment. These two are the most recent.
Edit: Final Fantasy XV. I got up to Chapter 6/7 and just couldn't.
On the arching back of Rodin's "The Thinker" sculpture.
On a fuzzy pink bath mat.
Inside a Mexican cantina, on top of an unconscious gringo.
Outside the White House, against the rails.
Inside a trap house in west Baltimore.
If you can eat your own ass more power 2 ya, but don't hate on the loneliness with your tongue firm in the booya. I'm tellin you like it is, like it'll always be, when you can eat your own ass, why not eat the home girls' down the street?