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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. This is so stupid.
  2. I can make you feel, but I can't make you think.
  3. With a forklift?
  4. Your words but a whisper, your deafness a shout.
  5. lol wtf, yo?
  6. This is so stupid? Yes. We agree.
  7. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
  8. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
  9. And waiting for the world to come along
  10. *sigh* This is so stupid. *le sigh* Cela est si stupide. *whatever sigh is in Hebrew* זה כל כך מטופש. *el sigh* Esto es tan estupido. *sigh* これはとても愚かです。 *sigh* Hoc est tam stultus est. *вздох* Это так глупо. *sigh* Ĉi tio estas tiel stulta. *خیلی احمقانست. *آه *sigh* Dit is zo stom.
  11. Nah. He's a spoiled banana. The worms got to him.
  12. Sorry. I never liked Slipknot.
  13. What are you using as the bath water? Pimp juice?
  14. I think we have a new supervillain.
  15. I'm up for it. Will this be an ESPN or Yahoo league?
  16. The real question is why should I care about a sucky band like Slipknot? I want more Stone Sour, dammit! (Yes, I know they're fronted by the same dude.)
  17. Some random guy wasting time while at work.
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