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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. It’s gonna be the church of Godzilla, with Kagome from InuYasha as the high priestess and Godzilla's daughter...or some shit.
  2. 1983 Nissan Sentra (promised to me by my grandparents, but never ran when we had it.) 1973 Chevy Cheyenne pickup (started learning to drive in this vehicle; sold it to a co-worker friend of my dad's who needed a car.) 1992 Ford Tempo (finished learning to drive in this vehicle; given to me by my grandparents as a present on my 17th birthday; senior year/college vehicle; sold to help pay for a year of college; ended up getting totaled by the guy who bought it from us.) 2001 Chevy S-10 pickup (meant to be mine, but I had to learn how to drive a stick first so Dad drove it; eventually learned, but I didn't have it enough for it to be second nature.) 1992 Dodge Shadow (Nice car, but didn't have A/C; also, the sound system was lousy; ultimately crapped out when a rock punctured the drainage pan of the transmission system.) 1999 Chevy Lumina (temp car when the Shadow crapped out.) 1998 Chevy Blazer (given to me by my grandparents; good little car that got me through a couple tough years; crapped out on me on the way to school one time when the engine overheated, causing a gasket to blow.) 2008 Ford Ranger (first vehicle that was truly mine; totaled it going to school by t-boning an 18-wheeler because I hit a puddle and started spinning out. I still miss this truck.) 2006 Pontiac Montana (Mom's vehicle; only drove it to school for a few weeks before a lady pulled out and hit me while I was heading home getting food for my parents and me; totaled.) 2003 Ford Explorer (hated this car, but it did serve me well all things considered.) 2011 Chevy Traverse (got it used around the same time as the Explorer; current vehicle; actually prefer this to everything else I've had except for the Ranger.) 2008 Toyota Rav4 (wife's car; pretty decent even though it's got a hell of a lot of miles on it.) 2014 Nissan Frontier (actually my mom's truck, but I drive it when one of the two current vehicles we have are being worked on for an extended period of time; prefer this to everything else listed except for the Ranger and the Traverse.)
  3. Louisville, Kentucky, at the Kentucky Derby.
  4. This sounds like something that should be part of a sketch comedy show. You should totally do it.
  5. Oh, God. Why did i click on this thread? Damn it, some things never change.
  6. It's an independently made game on Steam. I highly recommend it, especially if you're a front office "numbers" guy like me.
  7. Nope. All about Out of the Park Baseball, son!
  8. It's for naught. Sorry.
  9. So people who own company dedicated to a piece of Japanese culture decide to sell it to a Japanese company. Makes sense...I...guess. *shrugs*
  10. Dude, that's horrible. *secretly mimics Chris Hardwick and awards you points for making the joke*
  11. Yep. That's Han Solo for you.
  12. Did you just say she's dead behind the eyes? That's fucked up, dude.
  13. You could always dance to...this!
  14. Because reasons?
  15. Montreal...and the Seattle Metropolitans. (The series was stopped at 2-2-1 due to the Spanish Flu.) That's right. That was the only year where there were two co-champions; both teams were engraved onto the cup. It was also the only year since the cup's inception that it wasn't awarded to any team.
  16. To have enough dexterity in my hands to fix things in half the time it normally takes me.
  17. Because I don't want to die yet? *shrugs*
  18. You'd think, but of course, the baseball can be used as a projectile. (Then again, so can a baseball bat. However, you have more time to dodge a bat than a ball thrown at nearly a hundred miles per hour.)
  19. Shut the fuck, zeni.
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