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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I need to start narrating my life out loud just to see how my co-workers react. Lol
  3. I don't know. Do you want me to have an internal monologue?
  4. Darn. I hated the fact he was on the Lakers, but he was a hell of a lot of fun to watch. I just hate that his kids won't get to have him in their lives as they grow up. Rest in Peace, Kobe.
  5. Deny. A lot of people just like to post and be themselves.
  6. @little_girl_lostfor not being ashamed of her "bad" taste. Keep doing you, girl!
  7. I have a Chevy Traverse, and it's a newer one. I've heard they're making them harder to work on unless if you're a certified mechanic. I'm not really a gear head, but I can change the oil in an older American car. (I learned on a '73 Chevy Cheyenne and a '92 Ford Tempo.) I can't do foreign cars, nor can I do the newer models. So I let them do it. I've got enough left to go a little while longer, but I'm overdue on the mileage. Oh, well. I'll wait until next week. Gotta pay bills and stuff.
  8. I go to a dealership. This time, a GM dealership.
  9. No, it's not. It's fucking nasty outside. I had plans to get my oil changed and shit.
  10. I couldn't finish it the only time I tried it. I thought it was bad.
  11. That's just fucking weird, man. But then again, that's Florida for ya.
  12. @Quackers for being a good husband to @Athena 92. Y'all are good together.
  13. It's raining here in Houston. Coincidence? Yes. Yes, it is. But I made you think for a second, didn't I?
  14. The Bishop is one of my favorite sketches of all-time. Gets me laughing every single time I watch it. (It starts at around 10:50 of the video below, which is the entire episode it was featured in, "The Buzz Aldrin Show". I couldn't find a standalone clip on YouTube. Sorry, y'all.)
  15. You're into the lead singer and her abs. Admit it. XD
  16. I hope you go to sleep while listening to this. (Also, check out the video at around 3:45. You'll get a kick out of it.)
  17. I have no problems whatsoever making IRL friends. Y'all must be doing something wrong.
  18. Wearing dirty clothes! Wait. That's not how it goes. Silly me. XD
  19. Wouldn't you? I would. Stupid mutinous asshole.
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