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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Maybe so, but at least by going for it on 4th and 1, you're making the defense try to stop you. By kicking a field goal, the Texans gave the Chiefs confidence in knowing they can stop them from scoring. In other words, when the Texans settled for three points, they gave the Chiefs a "win", which snowballed into what we saw for the rest of the game.
  2. The reason no current or former Astros players involved in the scandal haven't been punished is due to the collective bargaining agreement between the league and the MLBPA. Not only that, but the commissioner put out a league-wide memo in September 2017 not only condemning the use of technology to steal signs, but also saying that if any team is found guilty of doing so, that team's manager and general manager will be held responsible. Hence the suspensions (and subsequent firing) of Hinch and Luhnow. (And of Alex Cora of the Red Sox.) But they're not the only two teams doing it, according to Bleacher Report's Scott Miller. From an article he posted on October 2 of last year, he wrote that "Sources indicate Astros, Red Sox, Dodgers, New York Yankees and Diamondbacks have been adept with technological surveillance. A source mentions the Cubs and Nationals dabbled a bit. Other sources say Indians, Blue Jays and Texas Rangers as well." So when I said that is was a much larger issue than just the Astros, I was right. But so far, as far as we know, only Houston and Boston have been investigated. I've yet to see any other investigations come out of it. But if the article is correct, then that means even the current World Series Champion, the Washington Nationals, should be investigated as well. Here's the full article. I just wonder what else will happen. Will the league leave everyone else alone, or will they go after the others mentioned in the article? Only time will tell.
  3. Well, I think you're a neat person, at least. I mean I could've mentioned your, um, "special talent" and such, which is what I'm sure some people expected of me. But I didn't because I know there's more to you than some mere parlor trick.
  4. Here's your answer. Cliff notes: Luhnow and Hinch each received a one-year suspension from MLB. 'Stros owner Jim Crane said "that's not good enough for me. I legit built this team from the ground up, and they tarnished it with their bullshit. OFF WITH THEIR (figurative) HEADS!" (Basically, he fired both of them.)
  5. I figured this song would be most appropriate. "Afterimage" from 1984's Grace Under Pressure.
  6. That was horseshit! How in the hell do you kick a field goal on 4th and 1 when you're up by three touchdowns with a chance to completely devastate them in front of their home crowd? Also, I hope and pray this is Bill O'Brien's last game as head coach of the Houston Texans. That was pathetic! You don't take your foot off the gas even for a second against a team like the Kansas City Chiefs. You go all out and take those damn chances when you know how quickly they can score! Bill O'Brien, please resign or talk the ownership into firing you because that was a terrible game.
  7. And now, "Xanadu", from 1977's A Farewell to Kings.
  8. In Somebody's mind, it is.
  9. I think mine is just fine. Thanks.
  10. Here's a very touching tribute using the very last song on the very last album the band ever released. "The Garden", from 2012's Clockwork Angels.
  11. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2020/01/10/houston-astros-cheating-sign-stealing-punishment/4427714002/
  12. Thank you for not saying "who?" like you normally do. Damn it! This fucking sucks.
  13. Dude, he's working them overtime.
  14. I finally got to see them, and it was on their final tour. They are my all-time favorite band as well. I wish y'all could have been able to see them live. They were the greatest live act I've ever seen. It's not even close. Rest in Peace, sir. Thank you for the awesome music. You will be deeply missed.
  15. Damn it! Not the Professor!
  16. It's a result of your many InuYasha/Godzilla fanfics. You broke the space-time continuum.
  17. Finally watching my first hockey game of the season. Currently, the Stars lead the Ducks 2-0 in the third period. GO STARS GO!
  18. I just realized that if there's an Incubus cover/tribute band, they'd most likely be called "Succubus". (Well, that would make the most sense, at least.)
  19. You know how most athletes are. They want to help the team any way they can, even if they're severely hobbled. (Of course, you're right. He should've taken time off when he first got hurt. It's not as if Alabama is in need of talented QBs. They're usually loaded at every position imaginable.)
  20. Well...I was wrong. The 'Stros will be penalized this coming season. Details forthcoming.
  21. Okay. I know we've joked about this for many, many years in TinyChat, but good grief, man! You really do look like you somehow time traveled from the Roman Empire era to the present. Nice job.
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