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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. At least he gave his fellow news anchors a good laugh. Good stuff.
  2. Neat, man! Just gotta go to Whole Foods to get it.
  3. I think I may have found what you're thinking of, though. It's a Whole Foods brand. 365 Everyday Value. It's organic, and they have several types of milk. Here's the Whole Milk (Vitamin D) version, which is organic cow milk. (And yes, the cow on the carton does look quite sullen.)
  4. I don't remember saying that about the cows, but that does sound like something I would say. XD At any rate, I wish you the best of luck.
  5. Quick question. Have you tried other non-dairy milks? Like Almond milk? I find myself enjoying almond milk more than I think I should. Just wanted your opinion on it. lol
  6. I wasn't. I wouldn't do that. You're the greatest person here.
  7. Nah. This thread is about love. You're fine.
  8. Okay. That's fair. Thanks. And thank you for the hug. I needed that. *hugs back*
  9. Yeah, I goofed up. Whoopee. Yay. I'm just gonna go get milk drunk and go to sleep. I'm sorry again, Vela. I was only pointing out that I rarely ever see you get mad or angry about anything...and it backfired.
  10. Aw, really? I wasn't trying to trigger you. I'm sorry. I truly am.
  11. Yes, of course. And I understand completely. I'm gonna listen to some ambient music to help me go to sleep. I love YouTube so much.
  12. But in all seriousness, I don't think I've ever seen Vela truly get mad or angry on here. Wait. I take that back. She hates drinking water. She got angry about having to drink it. I remember now.
  13. Could be worse. You could be missing me. (And nobody ever misses me. >_> lol)
  14. I may have meant Doom. Of course, I'm still kinda sleepy and may take a nap. I'm just trying to keep up with my bestest board buddy, y'know. ❤️
  15. Godspeed, dearie. Be safe.
  16. My God, that must be the holy grail of all chocolate milk.
  17. Yeah, you're very jovial. I haven't seen you get seriously mad at someone. (Even me. lol)
  18. That sounds good, too.
  19. Eating milk and coffee in cereal? Hmm...sounds good, actually. (Oh, and please check your PM's. I sent you something in there that will most likely make you laugh.)
  20. I, too, am on the internet. Whoa! In fact, I found this. (for @Vela)
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