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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. This. Some people's characteristics in their personality change over time. No matter how much we fight it, we eventually become older and wiser, and yet, maybe even bitter that life may not have gone the way we wanted it to. So we tend to not suffer fools lightly.
  2. I bet you had fun though. I was once in a club where we just played video games. We were called Video Game Society. I served as both Vice President and President over the course of a calendar year. (Two terms for each office.) At my old school, I was in Student Publications (as a journalism student), then a charter member of the Anime Club. (I didn't attend any meetings after the first three. I had a falling out with the two other main founders.)
  3. I didn't realize it was that important. lol (I say that, but I know that it is, especially these days where the internet is king.)
  4. Ah, okay. Yeah, I need sleep.
  5. I think Butters is a male cat. XD
  6. Agreed. Craigslist is only good for finding used cars, guitars, and/or people to kill. (That is, if you're into that sort of thing.) Which reminds me...I need to look up some electric guitars to replace the one I had to sell before I moved. I wish I didn't have to sell it.
  7. I'm not sure. Maybe? *shrugs*
  8. Rick and Morty rules! Also, I love Bob's Burgers. Great show. Need to watch it more.
  9. Been there, done that, man. Hope you find a way to get back in the saddle.
  10. Ten people liked your pic, dearie. But the most important one is someone you totally get.
  11. Yes. What a beautiful story about self-discovery. Would anyone else like to share?
  12. Gary Numan is awesome.
  13. I should've said what she said from the start. Oh, well. Anyway, yes. Water is how I still look young...-ish. XD
  14. Now to get existential...or something.
  15. Thanks again, favoritest person on the boards.
  16. Neat. So when can I expect a treatment for the pilot episode? I'm sorry. That was rather rude of me. It just sounds like a great character for a show. That's all.
  17. Okay, people. Nothing to see here.
  18. Oh, you. No, I don't think you're complicated. I think you're awesome. And I did. Thank you.
  19. Oh, you and your cute memes. So cute.
  20. Madness? This! Is! BREAKFAST! *cue 300 slo-mo sequence*
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