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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. she also played peewee's girlfriend
  2. No, but I am impressed that someone bothered to read what I had to say
  3. this has nothing to do with any other thread
  4. you guys figure it out
  5. Animaniacs with a dash of Freakazoid
  6. you have to unfollow them for at least 18 years to avoid all the bullshit
  7. No, clearly this was the best music had to offer
  8. no, this place is a place
  9. why do you tease us so?
  10. Walk into the ocean with stones in your pocket
  11. fuck, it's hot and sticky tonight last week it was so cool at night that I had to get under a blanket I wanna watch this summer die
  12. i'm a ..................medium slut?
  13. I didn't, those were my initials until I was 8 and was adopted by my mum's husband
  14. RP used to be my initials
  15. anyone else think Packard getting a package from the Ukraine was going to be a mail-order-wife?
  16. too hot to cook, make a coldcut sandwich
  17. I thought this was gonna be about the passing of the announcer guy for the walking dead commercials
  18. t'was a gift for my bf, i'm quite embarrassed about it
  19. my mum always keeps a supply of these at almost $5 per small box, she could make her own better, fresher ones
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