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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. ..........................What? I can't understand what you're saying.
  2. [youtube autoplay=1]
  3. Is this a song about sandwiches from that place that's closing down?
  4. I would play with you if I had the day off. It sucks your testing got rescheduled. I know that stuff is costing money, too. That blows. Hey, at least you can be lazy. Make a day out of it. Eat that whole large pizza, be a fantasy fatass, fuck, sleep, whatever makes you feel like a manly man.
  5. At least someone wants her bacon-wrapped goodness, unlike your ass. Fuck NO ONE wants what your ass has. ?
  6. Yes. It is better. You get to choose what you have on your package for cheaper. You just have to have an Internet connection. The lag is minimal, from what I've seen, with a decent connection. It's cheaper because you're not getting gouged with a billion fees by cable companies.
  7. Actually, yes. I have. Numerous times. In fact, I've gotten farther with women than you ever will. I was just surprised you didn't post anything rapey this time. It threw me off.
  8. That.....or it will in end up like this....[youtube autoplay=1]
  9. ................What?
  10. [youtube autoplay=1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAFENUP9Yg8
  11. You got what was going around for months. It his my store hard.
  12. Fuck. You.
  13. I hope so.....minus the Worldstar part.
  14. .............................It's in the hamper.
  15. Yep. It's surprisingly good. I liked it. So was Seven Deadly Sins. Not terribly deep, but funny and worth a watch.
  16. Better pairing? Zenigundam and a high velocity bullet
  17. Only after I do a DJ gig. It's temporary due to.....well...loud noises for hours at a time. I don't have permanent tinnis, though. Though, it may happen to me sometime in the near future.
  18. I find this very hard to believe.
  19. You know, Zeni.......I've never wished something bad to happen to someone, but your rapey ass is fucking PUSHING IT.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BwL-MHnIyo
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