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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. @dateme Hey, c'mere
  2. This has gone well
  3. Deez nuts Gottem
  4. This is the longest blitz ball thread I've ever seen
  5. Oh, you changed it. I was waiting until I got still to reply but since it's now about boobs, I am unprepared
  6. Sweeeeet. And good job GM
  7. ....I think you got taken. Wait, did he say Flubber?
  8. Would a bot go through the trouble of making gifs for their avatar and banner 🤔
  9. They gave him a chance to treat himself but I guess he figured he'd get away with it.
  10. I only do gay shit with Nabs and Bucket. You haven't earned this.
  11. Boy, we sure hate 4ners
  12. Don't dip them in hot sauce then rub your eyes, asshole or genitals
  13. Baked trout, and stir fry
  14. Nothing will have meaning soon because we "meme" everything now..."keep coping" will go the way of "Nazi" "chef" "content" "entrepreneur" "I'm literally dead" "lol"....I mean, I kinda feel like we will revert to grunts irl soon. I'm not formulating my argument quite how I want but I'm baked, playing two mobile games, posting and smashing tf outta these chocolate hostess cupcakes.
  15. WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE....? Creme soda fiends?
  16. Look, it was always going to be like this. You expect too much and I provide soooo little.
  17. I ran into a person I saw before ...Ain't God good.
  18. He was obviously pooping. Just like babies, they shut everything out and just pinch a loaf then keep it moving.
  19. One day he'll be sausage or road kill...maybe both
  20. Hey, 8 hour ago when I made that post...I might actually go back to sleep but I'm hungry so let's see if I can doze back off after some cereal
  21. I just don't wanna go further into the DC universe. Blue Beetle looks ok but I'll probably pass.
  22. I can blemish that shit with just a little effort and some spin
  23. I'm still unclear if he was the Bob Barker that financed DeKalb and Fulton county jails in GA. I was in both and our jumpers said Bob Barker inc.
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