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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. Falcons beat the buccs and Cleveland flukes a w...today was a good day
  2. When my memes get me banned
  3. I know I got something in here for this... Nevermind, I forgot about this damn phone...oh well, something from the cloud I guess...I need to clean that thing out. Just stupid shit gets backed up apparently
  4. It's kind of amazing that just about every cheerleader is huge now. A few of the girls aged well but ever dude is just the blob now except for Duke who is a competitive body builder and our resident fat neck beard who is apparently a world travelling programmer now.
  5. My classmates have this group they post in and I have notifications turned off but I check in on it sometimes...like when I'm trying to block someone and see it in the off category. It seems a lot of them still get in touch with each other and I sometimes see picture with me in them from the before times but no amount of nostalgia makes actually taking initiative to see these people appealing. Even when I do pop up at home, it seems people get wind of it and they show up in my inbox "we should get together for lunch" and I'm just like "yeah, we should" and it dies there. This is just the right amount of interaction for me.
  6. Sooooo....I'm the only one thought he was just misspelling beads
  7. Oh wow, like people don't understand how systemic racism and sexism works. It's literally an every day thing so I'm kinda glad people have to see it in real time and not just ignore it and hand you the ol "bootstrap" line
  8. Broke another phone. I used to go years without dropping a phone. I always thought people with cracked screens and body armor on their phones were just careless idiots.... But now I just get out of the truck with my phone on my lap and that's all she wrote. I really liked this one too.
  9. I had never heard the theory that boos are dead shyguys and since the mask didn't die with them, they hate wh n you look at them. Sure it is just some half-baked bs but I'll buy it
  10. Ghostie is ready to assault a middle aged to elderly woman at a party for a kid graduating...i just hope she got hands. He sounds dead ass.
  11. Oklahoma, so I can't really recommend it...but that and weed are definitely perks.
  12. Fried catfish and okra
  13. I hate this phone. Left the other one somewhere but I'm already home .. it'll be fine until tomorrow....but this one is so trash now.
  14. Kid Icarus uprising is definitely in my top 5 all time favorite video games
  15. Who has the keys to the OG UEMB Did that info die with luuv....I just wonder because when I use my old, old, old phone it brings that up instead of this one so I was just curious Home | Unevenedge (freeforums.net)
  16. I wasn't even talking about you peppers...I've eaten pepperoncinis straight out tye jar many times.... That fucking stove top stuffing made my liver itch
  17. I just can't look away.
  18. Hbd Benjamin
  19. Fuck, I think it's your name here...I forgot already and I'm in autopilot rn
  20. Wow, im glad she died. Jeeze, let up
  21. Dafuq
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