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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I'll take it, you're my applesauce friend now
  2. I was a comic book kid, and for years, long before the X-Men Saturday morning cartoon existed, I thought Magneto was just pronounced magnet...O. Why would I think otherwise....when I found out it was Mag-neato, I questioned everything I had ever read.
  3. I wanna take this, but I can't....I need people who eat it because it's fucking delicious.
  4. The pointing finger should be black but it separated the image and color code. Edit: which is likely more a this phone issue than a site one
  5. I didn't mean that, I really just wanted to see if it consistently broke the emoji when used like that
  6. Wow, this site actually dissected an emoji....I've only seen that happen on 4chan.
  7. Every time I bring it up, I'm ridiculed and I know there are others like me 🖕🏿🫵🏿
  8. That's a me thing....this phone isn't equipped to.... Well, I can type words most of the time...
  9. ...I forgot all about how Dennis Miller used to commentate NFL football and how it was the best and worst thing in that era.
  10. .....oh, this is today. Sooooooo, have your nanobots been activated yet. Are you a sleeper agent .... I've gotten two amber alerts today and people around me are turning their phones off. Neither of them said it was an EAS test....one was for a shooting and I didn't even look at the second, but now I'm wondering if they are related...some idiots out here shooting to prevent becoming a zombie or some shit. I got off FB because being a human is embarrassing
  11. It's definitely not ghost and goblins. That stupid mode 7 stage annoys me because if you get knocked of the platform, there's no ground but most of it is pretty tame.
  12. I keep getting updates for it but I've put all I could into that game at least 5 years ago. My daughter played it a while about a year ago to play with friends but once you've played one GTA game, you really have played them all ....I'm ready for 6 but I'm not going to watch them milk 5 anymore.
  13. Did y'all do this... because I think I've been seeing more bots.... But I mean just bots that post, no clue what's going on with the ones who don't get a chance to.
  14. It's no big deal, people die...I was just being my usual self.....using a thread to segue into something uncomfortable
  15. And that's why you deserve more bans than I've ever gotten
  16. I'm just trying to think have I ever bought a variety pack with twizzlers in it. I hate twizzlers so I wouldn't buy them on purpose but I would have at least seen them and said nope. I guess I've always looked over them on a subconscious level
  17. ...... I don't think we have this problem where I'm from
  18. Mac n cheese with hot links
  19. Soooo, look, it's South Park ..I get it....but I don't always watch it so newer episodes are brand new to me..... My point is ....is toilet paper really a goddamn conspiracy. Does it cause hemorrhoids? Do I need to buy a squirt booty toilet. I use baby wipes anyway but am I only halfway addressing the issue.
  20. Jfc, the Dolphins ran through the damn Broncs. Did Prime coach them too. If this was Madden, they got skunked like 3 times in one game.
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