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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. Pizza Hut as a company has been failing or (declining internally) for decades it seems to me. It's still a massive franchise of course, which maybe pat could have fun describing all the nuances of, but for me it just sounds like the same old tired bullshit. Here's SunnyV2 saying the same shit about Pizza Hut, and more because I mean.... He has that rep. but whatever. Pizza hut had better service, better food, better establishment in the days of arcade gaming, and at a time when digital things still left the public in a ten minute stupor every time they saw a monitor flash some bright bold words.
  2. So what would you report to police on seeing that though? "I think my neighbor is beating their dog and kid? Or I think my neighbors are in a phsically abusive relationship, and the kid and dog might be in trouble?" I've seen plenty of domestic disturbance issues, but legally there really isn't a lot to go on from all of those paragraphs...I'm not trying to say that it's an issue that doesn't need to be investigated especially with alleged domestic abuse regularly occuring. It's just from all that you posted I'm still not sure there's anything police could do anway.
  3. Being the boss is a tedious endeavor. Had you've asked I clearly would've pointed out you were the bigger man, and thus everything's your fault.
  4. The annual sinus infection that's been trying to deprive me of sleep entirely seems to have handled itself. I have plenty of beer, and I'm off tomorrow. Cheers.
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  5. That is 100% just par for the course in this crazy world if you ask me. Within the last day I've made some banking moves to adjust for my position, and I feel like my plan for the future is coming together to spite what's been thrown my way. I've never been one to give up at least...
  6. So to recount/reflect and move on without making an extensive blog post let me begin. I decided to challenge the contracting bosses who peddled out unreasonable expectations..(I was a field Cable/internet installer) Got fired, and had people find their shit pretty unreasonable....class action law suits are still ongoing regarding them , and the company.... I had several appliances/ major housing expenses fall in my lap while unemployed that depleted every bit of the savings I had to fix them while still paying bills with no income. I finally crawled back to Autozone kind of reluctantly to find the racist, antagonizing manager that literally got into a fist fight in the kfc drive through across the street while on lunch had been gone for a while, and the dude that was the commercial manager , and a fellow veteran that I hit it off with was now the head store boss. (Also the dude that introduced me to the weird funeral home guy because his wife was the make up artist for the funeral homes cadavers for a lack of better words) I was instantly hired back... Anyway fast forward to now I'm still waiting for a full time position, but I'm gonna shoot for grey shirt or salary manager under the main store manager...(Autozone has a weird system of managers, but there is a method to that madness). That head store manager just transferred to another store after finding out cadaver make up artist wife was cheating on him, and everything with this store is uncertain but people keep telling me to wait, and that my numbers and work ethic are going to pay off but shit's just insane now. K I think that's it, and sorry if I've been unhinged even though I realize I probably always seem like that anyway.
  7. It did. I remembered that I'm a dumbass.
  8. Nope, I'm somehow double posting when I mean to just edit I guess. Apologies in advance..
  9. For one I need to edit this phrase. Then I'll come back and edit this sentence.
  10. ^Can you not even edit shit here more than once without it making a double post like that or how the hell do I keep doing that? I really just wanted to through in the Daddy's boy/ Mamas/ girl option without making a new post so I hit edit...and still made two posts somehow. Whatever man.
  11. Dually noted I guess. I barely realized Op said daddy's boy/mamas girl though, and the question wasn't 'were you one or the other' though. I didn't really come to vent, and now I feel bad. edit: I feel like that op leaves out the admittedly rare but totally possible option of daddys boy/ mamas girl now that I'm thinking about it though.
  12. I was forced to be the proverbial grandma's boy until my demented grandmother ended up in the nursing home where she died, but I guess I was mainly raised by a self entitled single alcoholic mother who regularly admits she regets divorcing the father I've never met in person because she didn't expect him to leave that entire side of united states after their falling out /divorce all the time. So not sure I guess.
  13. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure I know the feeling.
  14. No one wanted to teach me that lol... like ever. I mean ther was never anyone qualified available I guess thou either since that shit is rare..... I will admit that I write stuff with my left hand though so... It's also simple fpr me to flip that though....Iv'e always wondered how I'd fair qualifing southpaw....
  15. I'm ambidextrous, but I used th rifle like everyone else I guess..... Several rank highers were slways saying I might do better if i flip it and rfle lefty, but meh.
  16. Ummm... Dicsco? I expected a bit more I guess.... right nvm . ditto
  17. Shit because I guess this shit now sucks enough I have to tag facebook? but to the right...? lol I forget how hard it is to work with you disco. Imagine anyone calling me 'to the right' that can smell their own ass... Don't ask what I meant with the first sentence because I dont know either.Anyway fuck anyone trying to bite on this style.. Since the update less shit works and you can suck my left man tit.
  18. 'Alright wait lmao o fuck let's justs be real lol. No one supports the corp but they make an edgy statement right.... lol Fuck you. You can suffocate between my ballsack, and butthole.... That era is over anyway... Heyo!
  19. Man this is saying a lot... Can't say I didn't shake up the same place I came back to when I was a teen more than effectively, but lol anybody that cares about the kind of life style these new influencers promote should submit to being either a criminal or a reptilian doppleganger at this point if they are still trying to put their VH1 lives out there,....I think a lot of people innately know this shit, and support the garbage anyway. but even that's about to run it's cycle.
  20. This is one you just kind of sadly....idek/ There's probably better things to make jokes about though man. We need more leaders that can and will approach their position from a diplomatic standpoint, and it needs to be done in a more transparent way than we've ever seen. I love dark humor myself, It's so hard to pull off for a reason though.
  21. I mean I don't have a gag order if that's what your saying. Trump has a gag order out...That seems to be pulling him apart by the molecules. I however can and will say whatever the fuck I want.
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