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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. No I'm saying I generally can't trust that their intelligence exceeds a level I'm comfortable with dealing with on the internet, and I'm expressing dismay about it. Let's delete the thread then if it upsets you, but that is how I feel. I also feel the individual is going to end up hurting themselves if they keep trying to dwelve into topics out of their realm. Here we go again though. I'm not a psychologist by any means.... So I gave the individual benefit of the doubt they'd understand pm's and maybe a more subtle nature of my posts..I don't hate them... I don't think illy of them, but apparently I can't talk to them without my IQ being so much of a barrier it's unethical for me to call them in particular stupid.
  2. I made this thread as a rant about the warning I recieved. Ignoring them is just a consequence of the warnings, and again no where in the op do I flat out state something like "oh such and such is dumb so I'm ghosting them." The ASVAB being just a test is one thing, but add up all the behavioral qualifiers, and he might actually have someone that's supposed to be monitoring his online activity legally for all I know. (The same way a parent would be legally held responsible for a child that found themselves in court due to online harassment.)
  3. I doubt you can score as low as the user stated.
  4. I'm going to ghost them. Just do better if you actually know what this is about..
  5. I wasn't even clowning on him I just expressed shock at how low his asvab scores where... Some of those questions are literally like what color is the sky...IT IS NOT HARD TO PASS THE ASVAB. If he took that as bullying that's his own problem. I can't.... I hate saying I can't even.... but I CANT EVEN??????
  6. Nice cable lines no droop 10/10
  7. I mean he's likeable at times, but I can't be the only one that highly suspects the disability excuse that's always thrown out there. Man I've worked with so many people like that in real life I can't help but wonder... I'm just gonna ghost the fuck now though. No pun intended.
  8. I mean only one dumb ass 'comedian' decided to post a ukulele video childrens jingle in response to underage porn/grooming allegations, but who knows...
  9. None of people featured made actual apology videos that was the point.. and meat canyon is kind of like retro horror comic style satire... they've been making a lot of trend related videos though.
  10. I log on to another fucking warning. I wouldn't even talk to the fuck half of the time if he wasn't constantly pming me.. Furthermore I've defended the asshole over the years so much it's hard to accept this scrutiny, but whatever... Sorry again I guess... I'd say you know who you are, but I doubt it at this point.
  11. Yes full stop.
  12. Also between the two of us an army and marine vet we seem to be the only ones that want to keep our extended familes together... Times are tough, I'd say....
  13. Hey I have a cousin that joined the marines right out of high school with high ASVAB scores as well... He trucked through his initial enlistment, ranked up well, and even recruited for the marines so... That may be where the issue is there then if I have to reiterate...Marine recruiters usually suck balls, and even though I joined the army in high school I can double down on that since I re-entered the fray for national guard duty years later... I mean my cousin isn't recruiting anymore because 'thank your recruiter' you should be familiar with that steeze.....That is the general perception of marines though...Be it fair or not.
  14. Do not touch the trem
  15. All I can say is when it comes to recruiting from what I remember seeing... like everyone I talked to joining the marines or trying to also had low asvab scores... Take that with a grain of salt because a do know plenty of marines that didn't have barley passing gt scores it's just I don't think the marine corps has ever actively sought out the nations brightest.... BUT in the Marine Corps defense from experience serving in the army in aviation and military intelligence which is incredibly cross corps/agencies the marine corps seemed to crack down on stuff like this way more than the Army.. Like for instance here's a personal anecdote. One of the marines I had classes with got caught with spice in his car and was straight up terminated for it when I got arrested for smoking it openly with some of my peers off duty at a smoke pit on base right after classes. Though the mp's that arrested us were incredibly mad that whatever test they did only yielded Damiana leaves.... Long story short this was back before there were ANY laws federal or otherwise prohibiting the JWH substances so they had to just let us go with less than a slap on the wrist. The marine guy told me or one of his peers (I can't remember) that he was being court-martialed just for having it in his car. I never saw the dude again he was straight up cancelled for it... All that said I feel the need to say that rape seems to be a never ending problem in armed forces communities even though from my experience leadership emphasized the issue to the point training schedules and other duty related schedules were scrapped for like ALL DAY SHARP TRAINING.. .https://www.armyresilience.army.mil/sharp/pages/professional.html
  16. The results are in and I suck, but here's this. The tension is insidious. Something inbetween fastidious and unbelievably hideous. Darkness; larping as a creature looking innocent; sparking unbelievable thoughts doing all to drop the bodies like; "Oh my god they're so oblivious." Are you serious? Fuck that line of thought I oughtta leave you wrought like old Odysseus; Crumpled up papyrus on the pier of poor potential; existential dread becoming more than just a symbol Here's the door. I like to think I'm nimble, but my mind is in the middle Like, was that all just one line? Wait there has to be an extra syllable How killable am I, and am I a criminal? Naw I mean..... I have dreams of couse I do, but are they really so fulfillable?
  17. I guess as someone that use to rap, sometimes it's weird to say used to rap..... I've never done that. I feel like a hero now. let me have my moment.
  18. Using the wiki and trying to follow the outlined processes by SCP writing staff has to be the biggest deterrent to writing SCP articles. I guess my post in the "Ideas and Critique forum" got deleted before it got any kind of greenlights or critiques other than a mod "collapsing it because it might be too big for mobile viewers to view otherwise." Or some shit. Also by site reg you are supposed to exessively bug users approved to greenlight ideas and critique or else you wont get feed back/ greenlights. I did that for like a few days, but damn. Don't get me wrong I want the article to look as authentic as the next, and for it to be intriguing, but I don't care about free writing projects enough to treat SCP like I'm getting greenlit for a Hollywood script or something. I think I'll probably need to write a compressed and very basic story involving the SCPDex creation featuring several famous dangerous SCPS after a containment breach to peak their interest at this point so here's a few more thoughts to place it firmly in SCP established lore. I think it needs to be born as some sort of unsanctioned project at site 15 (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/secure-facilities-locations) after several lead investigators and site admin all agree the benefits of reverse engineering a lot of contained anomalies to produce an all in one device to keep MTF, and other field operatives ahead of the game outways the risks to human life. The O5 council gets wind as they normally do, but after seeing it's ever growing potential their curiousity prevents it from being destroyed. Since the prototype was created using several euclid to keter based anamolies it's field use, containment, and classification are always the subject of scrutiny. Reverse engineered SCPs: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-079 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4951 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-168 and for the horror version omnitrix capability....Maybe Chaos Insurgency gets the prototype and has it upgraded with the anomalous tech found in this SCP at Site 12. Either that or Site 12 teams up with Site 15 for this. There's so many ways to do it effectively..... https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-5301708/scp-3769
  19. That's it I'm sending Russian hackers.
  20. For instance remember that one time you posted the pic with the wallpaper... Love ya. <--- Me I'm an asshole my bad.
  21. I'm not a russian hacker I swear.
  22. Weirdly now that I think about it though. I took dating apps a bit more serisously than usual through the pandemic and probably ended up dating more than usual lol. I still don't really like the whole dating app thing that much either..
  23. Just a few years ago everyone was in lockdown mode. Inflation is at an all time high, and theres a lot of civil unrest between american demographics? I mean it's always been something I have to put way too much effort in to do personally usually anyway so...
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