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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. I'm doing politcal surveys among others for extra cash right now and one came up specifically about Hunter Biden. "Since you a democrat how do you feel knowing that Hunter Biden is a crook" bascially. Also " and on a scale of one to 10 rate how you feel about this statement. Joe Biden had and still has many illegal dealing with foriegn countries....etc" I also encountered a very questionable survey targeting men that was anti "me too" movement. That wasn't the really questionable part about the survey it was that it was like how many times have you had sex without consent, did you use a weapon? drugs, and used very forgiving wording towards..the subject. Hopefully that one was a honey pot of a sorts idk, but the things you can get surveyed on are sometimes hilarious.
  2. Buck up ghostrek. Did you get that thing I sent you?
  3. lol I never got to see sandy stroke out in a live stream.
  4. Insane outlaw in the stone ages. I've been telling everybody for years I was insane before it was cool.
  5. Lol did he really shout you out in this video? His answer was pretty good though. I laughed at the Call of Duty mindset example. "If you shoot five guys you don't get an air strike."
  6. Paramount cancelled your boy. Couldn't have an Australian guy with a unity engine and a cheap voice over challenging the one decent tlevision show on your platform.
  7. What does that mean when DF is no longer a thing? I've been thinking this thread has been fucked now myself. Honestly ever since he said BRIC my job is done I guess, but I fudged.
  8. The Kremlin wasn't sucking every candidites dick lik they did Trump either were they? Fair enough on Lula though. I've gotten behind on Brazilian tmes it seems.
  9. 'Korea tho we had absolutely no business being there'... My high school did a weirder thing than foreign exchange students if more schools didn't do this.... I can hear a certain foreign exhange teachers fustration in not just seeking you out in kicking you in the balls for insiniuating a bit too much at least.
  10. Most Brazilians dont give a fuck about shit like that. When you have a leader that says yes sir to Trump a lot when the majority is still knowing both of 'em are stooges sure... BRIC... So that's your game. I... Thank you that is it. :clown:
  11. Just because one party loses a war does NOT mean sentiments vanish..Also rememeber when I used the word "duality". I've been to all of those places I listed as a soldier.. It's just....There still are born nationalists in all those areas that would side WITH me. It's crazy that sometimes they have to be historian or history oriented peeps..but take the story of unit 731 for example. For decades the depravity of that 'unit' was chaulked up to conspiracy iN JAPAN the actual country of question.... until actual Japanese historians said hmm wait a minute..traveled to the U.S.A, and found shit their own governmernt was trying to play down... dude.
  12. You did...So are you really doing this 'welcome your dictactor shit still' or do you just not get the vibes? Like I said every country on the list you speak of would agree at least today that they don't want to go back to those days... No mulligans no bullshit...So explain your "rhetoric" and stop deflecting. How is the U.S. the most disgustingly socialistic government..or whatever the fuck you were going for.. Don't get it..
  13. I havent really wasted a lot of time on this AI arc, but something about seeing AI spongebob livestream on my recommended tab made me want to insta click it and...
  14. Also looks like it's back up.
  15. It was a live stream. Since they took it down here's your boy muta I guess. I felt like I was posting the stupidest thing to be found online, but apparently SOG covered it. Great minds think alike?
  16. Patrick likes thick women and Spongebob wants to be a furry... Some random shit found on the internet for sure. Don't expect much, but I found this hilarious.
  17. but... I want him to explain how U.S. retaliation or even the subsequent 'occupations' which arent even really occupations we have military bases that usually work to the countries benefit.. Japan, Germany, South Korea.. The aire of civilians or local populations is usually one of duality which I understand. It's just not many of those local people are going to say they wish the axis powers would've won or that they'd rather have been occupied by the other side.
  18. This is true, and the industrial revolutions progress today owes itself quite a bit to the world wars and the u.s. politicical effort. Roosevelt even banned the production of civilian automobiles altogether to ensure we got those 'module t' Humvees and tanks out there.. As much as I love history lessons I'd still like him to get to the point.
  19. I've played/watched way too much sci-fi space western material, and a lot of the plot of the expanse is built around these other characters crusading for their opinion or blaming their actions in one situation on what another group did or would do in another... I havent read the books, but the expanse definitely built off of a lot of existing scifi tropes.. Without having a character willing to play all the angles it wouldn't have seemed as fresh to me.
  20. My favorite was James Holden. His character was probably the only reason I was able to bare all the other headstrong personalities. AMOS is a good character, but when the character admits themselves through dialogue that they wouldn't be much without the others...meh. A lot of the other characters had way too much apex legends...ETC shit going on for me to take seriously, but they all trusted the guy that unwittingly kicked off a galactic war by trying to do the right thing.
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