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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Finally, my collection has surpassed yours!
  2. There are many ways to play Halo 2 right now. Best one is Project Cartographer on PC which is a fan mod of Halo 2 Vista that works really well. You can also play on Xlink Kai since there is a consistent group that plays that every day. There is Xemu which runs on PC and is basically an original Xbox emulator. MCC also works but I think it's the worst way to play. And Insignia is in the works to have Xbox Live running in old school Xboxes but Halo 2 will take awhile. If Insignia works then you can have all the original functions of Xbox Live, including matchmaking and ranks on Halo 2.
  3. There's a ton you can do, but getting the capacitor squared away is the main concern. Both my OG Xboxes have had them replaced and are softmodded. I just use FTP to put games on them. Used to have one with thousands of games but unless they were original Xbox games I just couldn't get into playing them with the Xbox controller. Last month I took one to a classic Halo event so the Halo CE guys could play 2v2s. They use a special version of the game called Halo PE which is modified in various ways but I had to install it via an FTP cause they are real uptight about who gets access to those files. But yea, change out the capacitor for the clock and get a softmod kit and you're off to the races.
  4. If you get an original Xbox you need to either make sure it's had its clock capacitor changed already or that you can do that yourself. Otherwise its a ticking time bomb that can destroy the motherboard since most original Xboxes used cheap capacitors that corrode and spill acid onto the motherboard.
  5. I have a massive box of 45s and I have no idea what to do with them. As for 12" ones, I have some old electronic music and this cool record that was made for DJs to mix in video game sounds and music into the sets. Always wanted to get into records more but my other vices have been winning out.
  6. *Uncle Ruckus Wants to Fuckus FTFY
  7. Old school Xbox and Halo stuff, plus lots and lots of VHS tapes and laserdiscs. Been buying imported stuff a lot the past few years. Try to avoid ever paying too much for generally anything, too. Be surprised what you can find for under $20.
  8. Cool avatar. I have that series on VHS, old man Oda.
  9. That god awful, pseudo Reddit style thing with no folders was just pure chaos in the end.
  10. Had you and @SapphireShores in a screenshot apparently. Took it to lol @ Viper tho
  11. Had an alt banned for mentioning L dying in Death Note, years after it had aired. Permaban right away. I made another alt right away called Letter12Dies which never got banned.
  12. We're teabagging Odin now?
  13. I wanna say sometime in either 2006 or 2007.
  14. It was the days before all the big corporations got ahold of things. I probably only regularly visited a handful of websites back in the day, like I do now, but I was also going through so many other sites, especially little one offs people had created on stuff like Geocities, Angelfire, Free Webs, etc. Really felt like an explorer navigating the web back then. Now it's all just shoved in your face on whatever sites you decide are your feed.
  15. I was in my last month of junior high when I joined but spent all my high school and college years on the boards, as well. I was terminally online back then lol Miss those wild west days of the internet. Gimme back StumbleUpon god dammit!
  16. I mean I had alts I posted on more frequently, but I lurked so much cause I was on instant messengers (YIM/AIM) and games (Halo and WoW) so I was talking on there too. Spent most of my time helping with little behind the scenes projects and stuff with a couple of the admins and mods. Man I remember when some folders were so busy you could make a post, then go back to the listing and your thread would almost be on page 2 just moments later.
  17. More about my post count versus minutes alone lol I may have been the biggest lurker on the boards, but who knows, maybe some other lurker existed in the shadows, never posting at all, maybe never even making an account. For now I claim the crown of shame.
  18. You want to see a small post count? Let me expose myself on my main.
  19. I recommend looking at any bigger threads, especially pinned ones with lots of pages. Better chance of finding a post you made which would show your reg date. That is assuming you posted in those threads to begin with. I've found a couple users from here spelunking the archive here and there.
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