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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. If it's the same as last year's then liquid Skittles.
  2. Oh just let the man crown his chili with faux French onion dip.
  3. Nah you'll just have to order your meds from China and become a hikikomori.
  4. It was in the trash but the food was fine. I wasn't eating half eaten burgers or something. Leagues better than what little money I had could buy.
  5. I was homeless for awhile and even when I got off the streets afterwards I was still struggling for food. Opted to fish food out of restaurant dumpsters during that time. Tried to get the old, wrapped stuff when possible. Eventually I was caught and the manager of the main place I dumpster dived at asked me to stop in exchange for them just outright giving me the old sandwiches and a cup for water.
  6. That is beyond struggle.
  7. So many to choose from! Popular choices include: -Nearly expired meat tossed onto a derelict Foreman grill, rolled into tortillas with a bit of BBQ sauce. -Rice and cheese (may contain zero authentic rice or cheese) -Peanut butter on a single slice of probably stale bread -Pizza sandwich -Mac and cheese with eggs/hot dog -Sugar toast -Vienna sausage and ramen -Buttery noodles -Frozen pot pies -Canned chicken -Literal trash from restaurant dumpsters
  8. Hells (2008) - 4/10 An anime film about a schoolgirl in hell, featuring a dub by members of TFS. Should've been a solid movie, right? The first half hour or so of this movie was intriguing, and while some may not enjoy the art style, I felt like it worked well for this, at first. Our protagonist is a ditzy anime schoolgirl whom dies while rushing to class one morning only to find herself instead arriving at the gates of the high school of hell. This plays out like a typical high school anime, complete with brawls in the courtyard, savior pretty boys, tsundere types, and kawaii, quirky goofballs. Some standouts were Hellvis, the school's principle, Steela, a patchwork zombie girl with an undead dog, and this weird Kill la Kill style student council and student body relationship. Tons of interesting designs and potential here that we get to enjoy for about 20 minutes before the movie decides to shit itself. Here I thought I was going to be watching some fish out of water, gotta get home kinda stuff with a monster high theme. But no. Instead it flips a switch just as things are looking good and we get this convoluted mess of a story about god and human creation. Literally we see Cain and Abel duke it out alongside Adam, Eve, and even god shows up, all with anime flavor. I didn't mind this initially, but it meanders on and just crushes the pacing into dust as we crawl over broken glass in vein to get 2-second exposition that is immediately discarded. Some points in the animation are atrocious here. The polarizing, but in my opinion, charming sketchy style literally appears to swap to low resolution slideshows of what has to be manga art, flying across the screen. There are also many instances of crudely pasted still shots of characters tossed into moving crowds. It is tragically bad considering how fluid and entrancing earlier shots were. Imagine a crowd of people walking around and a cardboard cutout was placed among them. Just pathetic. While the Christian themes don't ruin the narrative, they absolutely muddy the waters here. So much runtime is wasted, pissing and moaning about believing in yourself for the hundredth time only for the antagonists to swing us right back to the drawing board. And this goes on and on in the third act. Every little victory or plot progression just results in some secret weapon bullshit that resets everything. And the characters themselves are largely undeveloped. Some just fucking appear randomly and now they're here, too. Jarring considering the massive cast at play. Even the school itself is wasted as we don't learn until the final seconds of the film that the students are all there to learn and prepare for their next life, with initial enrollment bogging you down with past sins and graduation yielding rebirth into your next life. Oh what could have been. There was a fun little anime tucked away here and it was ground into the void so a shitty bible verse could go super saiyan. Hell meh.
  9. Stores out here seem to have overextended and ordered way too much of that stuff. They're literally available everywhere. Even got some cool hand sanitizer sprays that can fit in your wallet.
  10. Joined in '03 when I was 13, now I'm some kind of dusty, primordial old fuck.
  11. There absolutely are quality buffets. They just aren't cheap. But yea, sometimes you just want a shit ton of okay food.
  12. I guess Quincy's for their yeast rolls. Genuinely don't remember any of their other food being notable.
  13. Nintendo could put out a subscription-only console/handheld that exclusively runs emulated Nintendo games of yore and make bank.
  14. I don't see why, in a few years time, we won't start seeing game streaming services on our cable boxes or something similar. Maybe even just integrated into a TV/monitor. If anyone would continue making consoles long after they were the big thing, it would be Nintendo. They've always been to the beat of their drum kinda people.
  15. See I think that's where the Stadia failed immensely, Sony dropped the ball, and Microsoft figured it out (sorta). You download the game while you have the service to play it, so it isn't being streamed pixel by pixel and pissing you off. I say sorta cause beyond the Xbox One itself, idk how reliable Game Pass is on the phone/tablet/PC. I had lots of issues with it even working on PC.
  16. Apple technically already released a game console called the Pippin back in the 90s and it was discontinued within a year of launch. They could do something again, though. I would say given the success of Xbox Game Pass, I imagine Microsoft may stop releasing consoles soon. In fact, I think they're going to license out Game Pass or a similar service to other companies, possibly for other consoles, but for other devices. They're already kinda doing that, anyways. Much like standalone mp3 players, I don't think standalone consoles will be around too much longer. It's just a few companies selling specialized hardware to run proprietary software (and the gauntlet of multiplatform stuff like apps and games). I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of Nintendo Switch style setup got popular where we can carry all our games with us on a mobile or smaller device and then sync back up with a larger one or our TV. Game consoles, even Nintendo's, all have streaming services of some kind available. Sony and Microsoft especially want you to use your console as an entertainment hub, alongside it being for video games. Shit, we might even see subscription services for games roll into some Netflix type service soon, like a digital only Gamefly, and you have competing services for multiple platforms. Doesn't seem smart to make a traditional console much longer, so I doubt anything major will appear on the scene, lest of all from a company outside the big three. Licensing games to stream on different platforms is they way we're headed.
  17. Finally, someone I can shoe shop with.
  18. Been ordering online groceries from various stores and services throughout most of this year. I definitely echo the no substitutions thing. We used Instacart to pickup and deliver stuff from a local market and we ended up hating that whole ordeal. I foolishly agreed to substitutes but it was so god damned random what the shopper picked. A few examples being... -Ordered 5 strawberry kiwi snapple, got precisely one diet mango snapple. -Requested pineapple juice or nectar, received coconut milk. -Asked for mixed berry muffins, got 10 bags of banana nut bread muffin mix. -Placed order for 2, 2 liter bottles of Coke, got 1 original coke and one kosher coke. -Listed achiote paste, wound up with Mexican oregano instead. Beyond that initial, learning experience, our orders have been largely correct. Some places are stupid fast and I get my stuff within 3 hours of my order. Most usually arrive the following day. A lot of these services will offer free delivery on orders over a certain amount which is nice. Your main issue is the store's actual stock when the delivery is ready to go. So you might order something but the day of your delivery its out of stock or they don't have enough to fulfill your order. In which case you aren't charged for that and if you already were it will be refunded. Beyond that you do risk produce, meats, breads etc not being the finest specimens. You might get something about to expire or already expiring or just some pathetic excuse for an item.
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