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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. The boards since she joined:
  2. The serious dining spots have reputations to uphold, as well. For the amount of money a customer spends there, plus their reservations and any attire requirements, they deserve the best meal that can be provided. I have seen plenty of finished plates pulled off the line because they didn't meet the standards of the restaurant. We often feast with our eyes first, so appearances are everything at that level of dining. Why drop over $100 per plate if it's identical to diner food you can get for a fraction of the price? Plating and garnishing are super important, but above all else the food has to be a certain quality, as well. Not to mention these establishments often run limited items, based on what they were able to get that day/week, so they have to ensure they get things right the first time and not waste any of those precious, limited items. The meals are usually planned in advance, so your choices are limited to what was available and maybe a few different options prepared for that evening, not a full menu. Now I have worked at generic restaurants that served 6oz sirloins and we would serve them however anyone wanted them. But when I worked with wagyu? That shit was kept in a locked cooler and I wasn't even allowed to work with it for months until I was trusted. That stuff was often served one way and one way only, depending on the cut of the beef, so no wiggle room. Because what happens when someone gets a bad looking plate and they share it around online? That effects potential covers and it can be an uphill battle to win people back in a restaurant when they believe the quality has dropped, especially fancier places.
  3. You are not a chef at some "swanky restaurant." I have worked in 4 star resorts in Las Vegas. These places are reservation only and have a required attire. You can make all the burnt steaks you want, I don't care, but you are insulting people like me because you're being a petulant child about how your dead cow is torched.
  4. Us "assholes" are trying to serve you the best quality food we can. It may not be your preference but it's the best way to get the most out of your steak. To me, this is like you telling me ice cream is better completely melted versus being served frozen.
  5. I'm a chef and some restaurants will absolutely not serve you a well done steak. Lower tier places, like Outback or Longhorn, will have no problem serving you one, but places that serve higher caliber meat will sometimes refuse to entirely. It's basically reducing the meat down to a flavorless, often dry husk. That kind of beef has all its charm and flavor profiles in being cooked as little as possible. I won't go above a medium myself, and medium well is quite difficult to do correctly and has to be eaten immediately off the grill. A good steak does not need any sauces or seasonings, or at most a bit of butter and salt/pepper. Not being a snob and telling you how to eat, just explaining how to get the most out of a good steak.
  6. https://www.payless.com/ These will be cheaper shoes, both in material and price. Not always a lot available but not bad if you can find something. https://www.torrid.com/ More of a selection than Payless but also some cheaper material shoes and some decent material ones, too. Can be found in malls, as well, if you have any nearby. https://www.macys.com/ Tons of shoes to choose, prices varying across the board. Also in malls if available. https://www.dsw.com/en/us/ Lots of stuff here, too https://www.dillards.com/ Buncha boujee ass shoes here. https://www.famousfootwear.com/ Some familiar brands in larger sizes. https://www.kohls.com/ More familiar goodies, and they even go up to a size 15 in women's.
  7. Your comparison troubles me because you have not dated this woman. If anything it's coming off like saying she's pretty, smart, and has money and not treating her like she's her own person in this equation. You also appear to have many layers of contingencies for something you haven't even spoken into the world yet. Forgetting all these responses in your thread, it sounds like this woman doesn't even know you fancy her, meanwhile you've formulated how to keep your marriage hush hush should it ever occur and someone also questions it. This is all coming off to me as very one-sided. It's superficial attraction. Surface level. How can you love someone you don't know? You are attracted to her for her beauty, her money, and her intelligence. That's not real love, and even if it feels like it to you, you don't seem to be factoring her side into any of this because it's all fulfillment for you. The thought must be maddening to see someone like her and think to yourself that she could bail you out of your current life and propel you to something you've dreamed of, but this does not sound like love to me. She sounds like a catalyst, an ends to a means, to get what you want: a pretty partner with money and a mind to set you up nicely. Nothing wrong with fantasies, but I think you're leaning way too hard into this. If you really want to see what would happen, shoot your shot, ask her straight up. Just know that this will almost guarantee you will stop seeing her as a doctor, whether you are successful or not. Do you know if she's even single or open to a relationship in general? You're playing 20 steps ahead of a daydream here. From where I'm at this just comes off as a fun little distraction to get your mind off things and think "what if?" just like a lottery ticket can evoke thoughts of a new, exciting life if you win it big. It does not seem fair for her because it keeps looping back to how it will benefit you and not her. This is not to say you have no benefits to bring to the table, but from what I'm reading this is selfishly putting a lot of things on her shoulders to exclusively provide for you. If you want any legitimate advice here, then next time you see her, tell her you are thinking about dating but don't know where to start. Mention that she has helped you reach a point in your life where you feel comfortable, or even compelled, to put yourself out there, as a woman, but you could use some help. See if she'll give you any pointers or anecdotes. If she's actually interested in you, she may mention it here, but I will be brutally honest with you right now, I don't think she will be. Even so, I'm not you; I'm just a person behind a screen as far as your life is concerned.
  8. I'm not sure why you're stuck on this comparison of fine dining to fast food but I assure you there are plenty of fine people available to date. Dating can suck and I went through the song and dance of gay bars, dating sites, and dating apps. The girl I wound up dating was someone I already sort of knew and we hit it off after just talking over time. I'd say leave this doctor be, keep seeing her for medical needs, but go elsewhere for dating. Things have gotten a lot more accessible for trans people when it comes to dating. At the very least dip your toes in the water.
  9. Can I just ask how well you actually know her? Forgive any incredulity I have about this relationship, but it sounds like she's just a doctor you see from time to time and not someone you really know. From what I'm seeing her you seem attracted to the idea of her more than anything. She's pretty and successful so she's instantly appealing but I'm not sure you know her, nor does she know you, regardless of any intimate information you may have shared with her by being a patient. If I were you I'd leave this be.
  10. The Suicide Squad (2021) - 5/10 If you found the trailers funny, you'll probably enjoy this. To its credit, it's far better than the last Suicide Squad movie, but that's also a bar so low you can trip over it, in my opinion. Almost all the jokes fell flat and the plot is paper thin. The movie tries to shock you with gore and sudden deaths (that are often fake outs anyways) and I struggled to finish the movie. The version of Harley Quinn they keep using sucks, please for the love of god stop putting her in these movies. She's a living, breathing Hot Topic t-shirt rack from 2005. As much as I enjoyed the animated Suicide Squad movie, I really wish these movies would me a favor and kill themselves, too.
  11. I mean I can see the concept of it making sense but I've never heard of it, either. Reminds me of this video where a guy thinks the government is listening in on him when he plays online games so he learns Navajo but now no one understands him at all.
  12. Luca (2021) - 5/10 Gave me some heavy Hey Arnold vibes, which was good, but this was otherwise kinda barebones. Seemed more like a pilot for a TV show than a movie. Nothing terrible about it, but nothing great, either. Gorgeous animation and visuals, at times. Wish this film was more daring, but they played it safe.
  13. At first I was like, "man, where did you find a shirt with shredded chicken on it." and anyways, I'm an idiot.
  14. Army of the Dead (2021) - 4/10 Packed to the brim with fun ideas, ultimately doing nothing with them despite the bloated runtime. This movie has plot holes you can practically walk through, some of which seem to be due to having to replace a cast member late in production while the rest appear to point towards the slew of Army of the Dead content down the pipeline. For me, that's not a good look for a standalone, franchise starter. There's some fun to be had here, but much like the titular army of undead, you'll need to turn your brain off to enjoy this one.
  15. Mortal Kombat (2021) - 5/10 Sequel bait trash that was fun to rag on. Boss Level (2021) - 7/10 Groundhog day type movie that treats things like a video game. Fun little movie.
  16. Watched it after having it recommended to me. Did not expect it to be that kind of show and was dismissing it as another, generic super hero cartoon. Glad I was wrong. Watched the whole thing in a couple of days.
  17. Had a very complicated history with that car but I don't have it anymore and haven't for many years.
  18. 1973 914 Porsche 2018 Soul
  19. Be a pass from me, ghost.
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