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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Fine, I'll do it.
  2. *clicks on thread* *is thoroughly entertained*
  3. Yeah, those were the days.
  4. Yes, do that. I've got a feeling about this one.
  5. Don't go rushing in like a madman. Be all ninja-like. You know, acting like a little beta bitch until they let their guard down. Then you can reveal who you really are, and go all Alpha on 'em.
  6. Saturday morning cartoons.
  7. Drink one for me. One case, not just one single beer. That's how true Alphas roll.
  8. He won't. He's too afraid.
  9. Well, whatever you call it, did you get any of it? I've been so tired I couldn't sleep before, and it sucks.
  10. I know the name of a bar where you are guaran-damn-teed to get some action. A 100% sure thing. You ever hear of 'The Blue Oyster Bar'? You should totally check it out.
  11. Did you ever get any sleep?
  12. *knock-knock* "Now who the hell could that be?"
  13. Awesome.
  14. Okay, but I have one simple request: put my remains in someone's garden, so at least I'll be useful for something.
  15. Maybe you're anemic royalty.
  16. I'll never forget.
  17. Plus a bicycle pump.
  18. Yes, but not always.
  19. ...MTV was actually music television?
  20. Cool story, bro. Except in this case, 'cool story, bro' means 'you suck, and will never procreate'.
  21. ...everything seemed so fresh and new, and anything seemed possible? ...you got older, and reality came and kicked you square in the ass, pointed at you, and laughed? edit: too many 'whens'
  22. ...gas was under a dollar a gallon?
  23. The Angry Chair.
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