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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. I thought they lead to happy genitals.
  2. Zeni, fapping to their pictures doesn't make them your girlfriends.
  3. Your mother giving birth to you doesn't count, dude.
  4. I rarely eat breakfast. I did when I was younger, though.
  5. Yeah, no. You're alone on this one. But, hey, after you get arrested, and you will, be sure to come on here and share every detail with us (after your mom posts bail, of course).
  6. That wasn't the S.T.A.R.S. team.
  7. Mr. X wasn't a problem. I just got tired of lugging her ass around.
  8. I hardly ever played them with another person. The A.I. in 5 was particularly awful. "Where the hell are you going? The checkpoint is over here, dumbass!" "You shit, I needed that green herb! You were barely injured!" Yeah, Sherry was awful in RE2. Then again, she was just a little kid.
  9. Same here. At least in RE6 Sherry wasn't totally useless. Far from it, actually. In RE2, I got so damn sick of her stopping and sitting down if Claire got too far away from her. "Dammit, I gotta go back for her worthless ass again! Get yo ass up!!" >
  10. Maybe? You still doubt yourself, and that's a beta's way of thinking. Is that how you want the ladies to see you? Are you a weak, pathetic failure? Will you continue as this pitiful beta, or will you choose the path of the Alpha? Be a winner. Ladies love winners. BE THE ALPHA.
  11. I'm really looking forward to it.
  12. RIP, sweet lady.
  13. Then it seems you are destined to be a beta. You possess such potential, yet are afraid to embrace the power at your fingertips, the power that is your birthright. She will never come to love you, nowhere near as strongly as she could if you would seize the mantle of Alpha Male. Alas, we may never know.
  14. Ask? No. MAKE her see things your way. Use your anger, all your pent-up frustrations, the fear of being rejected and alone, everything that gnaws at your very core, to shatter her will, and make her yours, and yours alone. Do it, and make your journey to the Dark Side complete. You'll score. *thumbs up*
  15. See, there's still time, but you must act quickly. Do it, fulfil your destiny, be the alpha male.
  16. Yep, you should have kidnapped her and chained her up in your basement. Then you would have had all the time in the world to torture, I mean,persuade her to see things your way.
  17. Yep, she was getting pounded. Hard. Someone knocked the stuffing off that Egg McMuffin.
  18. Maybe she's secretly stalking you.
  19. I was kinda bummed when her character died. I guess it didn't matter since she was just a clone anyway.
  20. Good for you, and good luck.
  21. And who would've thought... I'll see myself out now.
  22. Oh. Ohhh... Yeah, sorry about that. The bottom line to all this: that boy ain't right.
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