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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Since they pinned this one, they need to pin the Post a Picture of Yourself thread, too, since it's also popular. Just my two cents.
  2. We know you really mean the word "rape". You're not fooling anyone, you creepy little bastard.
  3. There's always next year.
  4. Not a damn thing. Yay!
  5. Looks delicious.
  6. Pearl Jam - Ten
  7. "I wish I could tell you that Zeni fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but prison is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for awhile - prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. Every so often, Zeni would show up with fresh bruises. The Sisters kept at him - sometimes he was able to fight 'em off, sometimes not. And that's how it went for Zeni - that was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him."
  8. Flattery will get you nowhere. Well, maybe some free nachos.
  9. You will always be at the top of the creepiness list. Always.
  10. Yep, that's how I found my way here, as well.
  11. You certainly have your work cut out for you. Make sure you stay adequately hydrated. Nothing worse than getting dehydrated while weasel stomping.
  12. Becky Lynch.
  13. *clicks on thread, reads* Daaaamn.
  14. You know, I have seen this affliction before. It's an offshoot, to be sure, but all the markers are there. Yep, what we have here is Diarrhea of the Mouth and Constipation of the Brain. It's the worst case I've ever seen, but the cure remains the same... shut the fuck up.
  15. That wasn't a nightmare. That was a vision of the future.
  16. He should've whipped your ass more.
  17. It wouldn't matter, even if you could. You'd still grow up to be the creepy, little sumbitch you are today. Why not go back to the day of your conception? Except this time, your mother swallows you, or your dad lets you out on the mattress.
  18. Hmm, I stand corrected. Yeah, this will do just fine.
  19. No, no. Let him drop the soap. He deserves what comes next, the creepy little bastard.
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